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1982 Gs650 Gl

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    1982 Gs650 Gl

    I took the Carbs off again and adjusted the pilot Jet to 1.5 turns out from the all the way in position. I then let the air jet out .5 from the all the way in position.
    I also tightened the throttle adjust screw all the way down and then 4 turns out. It will only start now if I spray some carb spray into the airbox.
    Does anyone have any suggestions to where I should be adjusting everything too, especially the throttle screw on the carbs, it runs extremly high when it starts now. [-o<

    Also the carbs are completley rebuilt except for new jets, which have been cleaned thouroughly if that helps any.

    Thanks again,

    When you say pilot jet you mean pilot fuel screw that sits on the top front of the carb towards the intake manifolds? If so set them at 2 turns out to start.
    I'm not sure what you mean by the "air jet". There is an air jet located in the air filter side of the intake venturi but if it's removable, it should sit snug against its seat.
    There isn't any definitive setting for the idle screw. Once running, set it so it idles at 1100 rpm.
    When the carbs were "rebuilt" were they completely cleaned-all passages or were new parts put in then re-assembled?
    Did you replace intake orings if applicable and inspect the intake boots for cracks, splits, etc?


      I am not sure you are going about adjusting the carbs correctly. My 81 650g has CV carbs and the only adjustments possible are the pilot screw (for idle and slow speed mixture), carb throttle sync screws and throttle screw for idle speed.
      If what you are doing in loosening jets (pilots, air jets, main) than you will have an awful time to get it to run correctly. Tighten the jets back into carb bodies, adjust pilot screws out 2 turns and try starting bike with choke. Once running and warmed up, adjust idle speed to around 1100 rpms and adjust pilot screws using highest speed method. Good luck.


        Looks like Cliphead can type faster than I can! I just read through some of your past posts, I assume your trouble is that the motor stills revs too high? I had a similar problem with mine when a previous owner had reassembled my carb slide incorrectly. It would stick open and rev to the moon. When the PO rebuilt them, he didn't seat the rubber part in the groove. Hang in there, we will get it running right.


          Who is this Cliphead you speak of Kemosabee?


            CHiphead, not only am I a slow typer but also a very poor speller! My bad, please forgive. Sorry.


              The pilot jet is in the botton of the float bowl located next to the main jet and the float. That is the one I adjusted 1.5 turns out. The air jet is the one located on the intake side of the carb and that is the one I turned out 1/2 a turn. I have replaced the intake boots as well on the engine so there are no cracks on them because they are brand new. You say there is no definitve setting on the idle screw and it should be set at 1100 rpm. Should I start all the way in or all the way out with the adjustment screw to get the right rpm. Also what should I adjust all the specific screws in the carbs to?


                Originally posted by GSFAN06 View Post
                The pilot jet is in the botton of the float bowl located next to the main jet and the float. That is the one I adjusted 1.5 turns out. The air jet is the one located on the intake side of the carb and that is the one I turned out 1/2 a turn. I have replaced the intake boots as well on the engine so there are no cracks on them because they are brand new. You say there is no definitve setting on the idle screw and it should be set at 1100 rpm. Should I start all the way in or all the way out with the adjustment screw to get the right rpm. Also what should I adjust all the specific screws in the carbs to?
                Tighten the pilot jet snug.
                The air jet your referring to if it's in the throat of the carb should also be snug.
                Set the idle screw about midway and adjust once the bike is warm and running on all four.
                The only adjustments as noted in an earlier post are the pilot fuel screws, synch screws and idle speed screw-unless your running non stock carbs I'm not familiar with.


                  I will be yanking out the carbs on Friday and reset the screws back as you said, as well as adjust the idle screw. I will post the outcome of the solution provided. Thanks, Eric


                    P.S they are stock carbs. I have only made OEM replacements on this bike.


                      The jets are a fairly soft brass. Use a driver that fits and please don't over torque or you risk a broken piece of brass plugging the jet.
                      I assume you also replaced the intake boot o-rings, if applicable, when you replaced the intake boots.
                      Good luck.


                        I sure did, thanks for the great tips it really does help. I hope this weekend I can get the bike up and running finally, so I can enjoy this awesome New England weather we are having.


                          Official Update

                          Yes it is finally up and running. Since Saturday I have already put 300+ miles on it and it runs like a charm. Thanks everyone for all the great tips now I can enjoy riding in the great weather.


                            I had similar problem..........

                            Hi , I also have a 82 650g. I had a similar problem. Carbs rebuilt, pilot screw at 2 turns. The only way the bike would start was either, then once running, tach sat at 6000 rpm. If you are sure all your carbs. butterflys are in synch, then take your thumb wheel that is located between #s 2&3, turn that adjustment down, I did it while mine was running, and my engine slowed right down. My butterfly were only open1/16 of an inch and it made the bike do what yours is doing. Good luck

