That should get me started enough. I just got back from a nice windy ride here in the cheese country. I usually drive it 4 th gear between 55 and 65. Rpms 5,000 to 5,400. I passed this one car and they sped up on me so instead of shifting into 5th I decided to open her up and bump past him. I climbed her too 6,200 in 4th. No big deal, went another 20 miles and ready for gas, noticed the kick stand was dripping with oil. I gased her up and threw up on her center stand and the whole bottom was covered in oil except the pipe side. Paid the sexy attendant some cash for a bottle of 40w. ( I plan to go back up that way). checked the oil level, it was fine. Then babied her home. I stopped half way it was low added some in. Then drove it the rest of the way home. Threw her up on center stand, got a rag and wiped it down while inspecting it. I noticed that under the cover plate (shifter side), that the oil was coming out this one hole. and dripping down. I grabbed my clymer manual and there is a plug somewhere inside there.
Now could my assine pass cause that oil to eject out of there and blew a seal somewhere? I will check it again later on after it has cooled
Need your input here guys, hope I gave you enough information.
THIS IS MY RIDE this time and not one I fixup
I know I been away, but I still check in when I can.
