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Carb Help

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    Carb Help

    I've been following along in the carb cleanup manual and i've run into some problems. I've only torn apart carb #1

    Q#1 I cannot remove the pilot jet. It appears that it has been goobered up somehow (by PO) Any tips? Is it mandatory to remove this for the cleaning process?

    #2 I also cannot remove the needle valve seat... Tried pulling it out with a pair of pliers.. Soaked it in carb cleaner... soaked it in rust penetrant... still no go. Does it have to be taken out for the carb tank?

    #3 I also noticed that on carbs 2, 3, and 4 that the air screws on the tops did not have o rings. Is that right, or are mine missing?

    Thanks for the help guys!

    I'll try to help

    1. Yeah, you really should get it out. Try tapping it out using a dowel....but be careful!
    2. It should be hard to pull out because the rubber "O" rings needs to seal it tightly. Don't wiggle it back and forth; just wrap a rag around it, get a firm grip with your pliars and pull it straight out.
    3. I'm sure they're probably just missing; not unusual at all but.....they are very tiny so there's a good chance they may be stuck in there. Turn the car upside down and tap on the carb body with a rubber mallet.

    If you're going to dip your carbs, it's essential that you get all the rubber parts out as the chemicals will totally ruin them. If that happens, your bike will run worse than ever. The problems you're experiencing are all very, very common. Good luck....I think you'll get it taken care of with a little more work.
    Last edited by chuckycheese; 05-15-2007, 02:48 PM.
    1980 GS1100E....Number 15!



      I got the valve seat out by using a pair of cutters. Advice i found here by searching. YAY! One down...

      As for the orings, i think i've got a box with all kinds of sizes... So i'll probably be able to replace all o-rings in the carbs.

      Now as for the pilot jet... I think you misunderstood me. You said tap it out with a dowel. But according to the manual here on the site, that is the needle jet. I already got that out. The pilot jet that i'm trying to get out is the tiny one beside the needle jet.

      One new question--- The i'm missing one or two of the rubber caps that go in below the pilot jet. Are they absolutely neccessary? Is the dealer the only place for them?


        Cutters? What the...? No don't tell me...I don't think I wanna know. :-|

        RE: O-Rings: Many members here have recommended and used Apparently it's run by a GS-er from this forum.

        RE: Pilot Jet: I just removed mine last night (it's the smaller jet next to the main jet). Bear in mind that my carbs are Mikuni BSW30SS. It unscrewed out of the "tower". IMHO, if it's been stripped out, I'd attempt to clean it in place with a soft wire (wire must be softer than the jet and tower metal). You should also be able to dip with that in place. If you still can't get it clean after doing that....I dunno...

        RE: Rubber caps below pilot jets: I didn't have any such thing on mine. Either my carbs aren't supposed to have them or they were lost by a PO. Either way, they worked without.

        FYI: There are lot's of variations in terminology used to discuss carbs and their various parts. You may want to include pics to be certain that we're all talking about the same thing.
        Last edited by Guest; 05-15-2007, 07:01 PM.


          Originally posted by CA180 View Post

          As for the orings, i think i've got a box with all kinds of sizes... So i'll probably be able to replace all o-rings in the carbs.

          Now as for the pilot jet... I think you misunderstood me. You said tap it out with a dowel. But according to the manual here on the site, that is the needle jet. I already got that out. The pilot jet that i'm trying to get out is the tiny one beside the needle jet.
          Sorry about that....I was thinking of the wrong jet. As far as the "O" rings, some of them will degrade more quickly than others when exposed to make sure you've got ones that are appropriate. Also, they should be exactly the same size or you could easily have problems.

          As far as the rubber caps...I think you must be talking about the one that goes over the needle jet. I don't think they're absolutely necessary but I'd get them if they're missing.
          Last edited by chuckycheese; 05-15-2007, 03:56 PM.
          1980 GS1100E....Number 15!


            I understand what you mean in regards to terminology. I was just going off of what the carb clean up series was talking about. I honestly dont really know jack s**t about carbs. I understand how they work, but thats about it. This is only the third time i've tried rebuilding a carb. First was my edelbrock 600 on my chevy, then my ford 2 barrel on my old pickup. And these are WAY different.

            I do greatly appreciate all the help.

            I guess i'll just pull all the pilot jet plugs out for now.

            As for the cutters, i read about it in this thread
            Worked nicely!

            Thanks again guys!


              well, the pilot jets are officaily screwed on two carbs now...

              so i guess my only option is to clean them in the carbs..

              i take it that since they wont come out, that effects my tuning abilities later... Right? Changing headers or adding pods are out of the question?



                NO, NO!!! Don't despair! Your carbs are different than mine but I'm pretty sure there's nothing under your pilot jet that you're going to wreck. Just carefully clean it, as best you can, and go from there. I think you'll be just fine!:-|
                1980 GS1100E....Number 15!


                  Originally posted by CA180 View Post
                  well, the pilot jets are officaily screwed on two carbs now...

                  so i guess my only option is to clean them in the carbs..

                  i take it that since they wont come out, that effects my tuning abilities later... Right? Changing headers or adding pods are out of the question?
                  Glad my cutter tip worked for you. No need for alarm from others, it's not for cutting

                  As far as pods and pipe mods, I know that Dynojet recommends leaving the pilot jets alone, when doing these mods. And you probably can clean the pilot jets in place if you have to, depending on how crusty they are. The ones in my carbs have a very small hole in the tip, and larger holes in the sides that you would have a hard time accessing if you need to dig crud out. When they are in place, it also makes it harder for the dip to circulate.
                  Last edited by Guest; 05-15-2007, 07:12 PM.


                    Originally posted by CA180 View Post
                    well, the pilot jets are officaily screwed on two carbs now...

                    so i guess my only option is to clean them in the carbs..

                    i take it that since they wont come out, that effects my tuning abilities later... Right? Changing headers or adding pods are out of the question?
                    I've never re-jetted, but obviously, if you make any mods that require rejetting, you will have to deal with the original jets. However, you may be able to use a "back out" or "ez out" tool to remove stuck jets IF and ONLY IF you were planning on replacing it. If you intend to re-use it, you CANNOT use such a method.


                      Originally posted by denydog View Post
                      Glad my cutter tip worked for you. No need for alarm from others, it's not for cutting
                      Whew! Thank goodness. \\/



                        Where in the crap would i get an e-z out that small? Never seen one that tiny.

                        Oh, and about the air screw o-rings and washers... are they that important? Will it effect how it runs with/without? I mean, there's only two carbs with those screws.

