First off, I live in sweden so my english may not be the best, please have understanding for this.

And now to my "problem"
I've just bought a -77 GS750 in okay condition, the only problem is that it was a 4-2 kawa exhaust on it and it's all crooked and stuff so I want to replace it. It looks like the previous owner did som pretty heavy modifications on the collector to get the kawamufflers to fit so it's also in very bad condition and not very good made. This is also I guess why there is no kickstand on it because the giant kawamuffler is in the way so he probably removed it.
So I am out to get a new complete exhaust system and a kickstand for this bike and there is my problem. Is there any other bike that have a similar exhaustsystem with the headpipes like my bike, I think the gs850 is the same any other? And the same i wonder about the kickstand?
I probably end up buying a complete new 4-1 system if i can't find any old at the junkyard and the kickstand I could probably take almost anything and just weld it to the frame if I just knew the somewhat the length it should be.
Well I hope you guys can help me figure this out,