I just brought it over to my uncles and sand blasted it.. here are some pictures...

Anyway, I am going to be preping and painting these parts tomorrow (my mothers birthday ) and was wondering what things I will need to buy. From a thread I made before I get this answer from RickT
"My first response would be to bite the bullet up front and take them to a reputable shop for powder coating. The appearance will be better and the coating will last much longer than any rattle can spray.
If you are set on a spray can, I would certainly sandblast the pipes to remove as much rust as possible. Use the old hand method for any other areas. Then, several products from the auto refinishing trade: one is a metal cleaner (a dilute solution of phosphoric acid) to remove traces of rust, the second is metal conditioner (a solution of zinc phosphate that will reduce the changes of rust reappearing), and third a degreaser to remove all traces of oil or grease left on the pipes. At this point you do not want to touch any part with your bare hand as this will leave oils on the surface. Blow the exhaust dry with compressed air and you are ready to paint. As suggested by others, several thin coats will be much better than a heavy coat. Allow 10-15 min. between coats to allow the solvents to flash off. Resist the temptation to make the surface black the first time. When you're ready to reinstall the exhaust, I would once again wear gloves. Until the paint is heat cured, oil on the surface will leave marks once the pipes are heated.
Most importantly, use proper safety gear: rubber or latex gloves when handling any of the acid/cleaning products and a good organic respirator when spraying paint. The painting is best performed out of doors.
Ok, so the first step would be to get some phosphoric acid and spray it on the pipes and then let it sit for??? Do I just rinse the pipes with water then and blow them dry with compressed air?
then I get metal conditioner, and apply it to the pipes. I am assuming it is a liquid.. and then just blow it off with compressed air again.
Lastly a degreaser, I am not sure what this would be so help here would be great also!
I plan to put the exhaust in the oven (if it fits) should I put it in after each coat? or after all of the coats have been applied.
And, how do you guys suggest that I paint around the flanges, as they are loose on the pipes. I do not want them sliding up and down removing paint, but also want to paint the whole exhaust... suggestions here please..
... I also have another problem which should probobly be addressed first. I have a hole in the exhaust (which has always been there) and figure now is the time to fix it.. It is in the collecter between 3 of the exhaust pipes. I was thinking about just putting JB weld into inbetween the 3 pipes and just filling it up between the three of them, before painting and preping. see the picture...