I just bought a used 79 GS1000 a week ago, and this is my first bike ever! If the odometer is correct, she has just a little under 60K miles on her. I'm the 3rd owner. The 2nd owner bought the bike a few months ago, basically brought it back from the dead with new plugs, battery, tires, etc. The bike's only noticeable issues (aside from being just a bit too ugly for her own good) are a VERY noisy clutch (think rock crusher) and a leaky tach cable.
So, when I first got the bike, she had GOBS of power. Full throttle damn near scared the bejesus out of me, and she didn't hesitate one bit. I went to ride her this morning, and something's definetely not right. The bike idles fine, starts fine, and revs up in neutral ni problem, but she has maybe 2/3 of her power, if that. WOT from a slight roll causes her to bog and die. I'm fully in the throttle going up some hills, and in general she just doesn't seem to happy to go forward. She also seems to have developed a little bitof a pop on decel from high revs, which is slowly working itself into a little but of a backfire
What I've done so far:
- Cleaned the plugs. Outside were fowled (black). Inside were somewhat white, but nothing out of the ordinary for lovely CA fuel. Plugs are only a few months old
- Filled the tank. 91 octane (is that right?). Good stuff from Shell, where I fill all my vehicles and have for years with no issues
Any ideas? I know the previous owner didn't touch the carbs, but why would the bike go from 'awesome' to 'crap' in one day?