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Very Pleased

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    Very Pleased

    well i was fortunate enough to get my bike out of the shop yesterday and drove it the 35 miles to work. but the idle was set to high when i took it (3000) so this made the bike go through the gears and accelerate really fast but when i got to work i took my lunch break and adjusted it down to about 1100. i finally got a taste of what my 550 can do and it is a pretty fast bike. i used to think it was sluggish on take off but not anymore. but anyways all fixed and ready to go. now if they would only fix that damn road to work (like that will ever happen) lol

    oh yeah another thing i was having a prob with the frame covers popping off when i hit a good bump and having to reach down and rehook while driving so i took two zip ties and a drill and put a hole at very top of plate in the middle where seat is hiding it and zipped it to the frame and presto tight as a whistle plus to get under it all i have to do is pop out bottom and use it like a hinge.just an idea if any of u are having a prob with that.

    p. s. cant see the zip ties or hole cause seat is hiding it.


      Originally posted by justmount1 View Post
      well i ... drove it the 35 miles to work. ... now if they would only fix that damn road to work
      Many people that ride to work are amazed that it is 35 miles to work, but about 100 miles home.
      Sounds like you need to find that 100-mile route for both directions. \\/

      Originally posted by justmount1 View Post
      i was having a prob with the frame covers popping off when i hit a good bump and having to reach down and rehook while driving so i took two zip ties and a drill and put a hole at very top of plate in the middle where seat is hiding it and zipped it to the frame
      Nice solution, and a good back-up, but why not fix it right?
      New grommets (part #5) are rather inexpensive. Bike Bandit (in the link) shows them for $1.44 each. Put new grommets in there, spray some silicone on them and enjoy the security of new rubber grommets. You can still use your zip-ties, they are not a bad idea. 8-[

      mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
      hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
      #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
      #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
      Family Portrait
      Siblings and Spouses
      Mom's first ride
      Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
      (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


        I live in michigan and we only have two seasons here: winter and orange barrel season so I know your road work pain but yours will go away mine will only relocate. Sometimes I wonder if michigan could actually sustain itself with a road work/public services economy with all the damn trucks and cones everywhere.

        Steve: yea 100 miles round trip sounds fun but who really want to spend over an hour going to and from work everyday when you can get away with half-hour commutes. I definitely would want to leave for work an hour early and get home an hour late, that's two freakin hours just commuting seeing the same sights.


          My problem is that I only live 3.5 miles from work. I spend more time sitting at the ten stop lights/signs along the way than I do actually riding. The bike is barely warmed up when I get there. It seems like a hassle to bungee my lunch to the seat, and strap on helmet and gloves for a 10 minute ride. I think I'll start taking the scenic route.;-)



            i LIVE 23 MILES FROM WORK.10 of it is on the best highway ride in texas.455.
            future owner of some year and displacement GS bike,as yet unclaimed and unowned.


              new road

              well i took another road on the way home from work tonight and the ride was so much smoother. not really very much longer either (maybe a couple miles)

