You did mention that it has always been difficult to start. Have the valves ever been adjusted since you've had it ? If not, it needs to be done. That rare 16v 1100 motor has tappet type valve adjusters that are easy to keep adjusted and should be done every 4-6 thousand miles.
You also mentioned you cleaned the carbs. Did you just spray 'em down with some cleaner ? It may be a good time to tear 'em apart and do a deep cleaning and replace the o-rings. Especially if there was crud in them. Also check the float heights while you're in the carbs.
Get a multimeter and learn how to use it. Read the stator papers, read the stator papers again. Take your new multimeter and a copy of the stator papers, your favorite beverage and spend some quality time with your bike. She'll thank you for it.
The best thing about all these things is that they are all right here !! Use the search function. Go to the "in the garage" section on the home page. And ask questions if you can't find the answers. They'll be someone here to help. Keeping your bike in good repair with your own hands is almost as enjoyable as riding it. And you'll know exactly what's happening under you butt at 70 mph.