So I pulled the carbs and discovered that I set the float height too high, so I lowered it, hopefully to the right height (22.4 +/- 1) and now it starts up but revs go right to 5k rpm and stays there. Choke is off (turning it on increases rpms past 6k) and the fuel valve is in the ON position and not prime. I even turned the idle screw back all the way I could.
It does pop a bit when running and you get a nice loud backfire after shutting it off, but it does start back up without issue.
So I'm guessing it's running too rich, would setting the floats too low cause this? Suzuki mad said the correct float height is 22.4 +/-1 just like my Clymer manual says, but I also have a factory manual which states 26.6 +/- 1mm which is what I had it set to the first time. I just called a local Suzuki dealer and they said 26.6mm. Setting them at 22.4mm puts them really close to touching the ceiling of the float chamber by the way (with the carbs upside down).
Also another question. On my bike there is another fuel filter in between the fuel line that goes from the petcock to the carbs, was this filter there right out the factory or did someone add it later? I ask because it is a pain in the butt to get the fuel line onto it.