took the bike out for an evening ride over to a buddy's house and had a BIG problem on the way back. i was riding her a little hard (not WOT to redline, but a good solid jaunt) with my buddy trying to keep up on a bike that's running a little lame. we get to a light and i look back to tell him to turn off the damn brights. i have the clutch in, but forgot to downshift. i realized it before i went to take off, so i began slamming the gear selector down. nothing was moving. it felt like i was romping on it when it was already in first, so i cautiously began to take off. the rear wheel was LOCKED! i grabbed the clutch back in, SLAMMED it down into 1st, and managed to nurse it around the corner. we pulled off and i took a look. everything looked OK, so i figured i probably had tried to start in a much higher gear and had simply stalled out.
we get out on a residential road, and i start out in 1st. seems fine. i go to grab 2nd, and the rear wheel LOCKS! i ride out the skid (wasn't going fast anyway), and pull off. thankfully, a bike trailer and a ****ed but understanding father was just a phone call away.
so, here's what it's doing:
1) IF you can get it into 1st, it runs just fine. if you quick shift past 2nd, all seems fine, too. but 2nd is not a happy camper
2) it doesn't like to shift, especially downshift. i can shift into what SHOULD be neutral (the light comes on), but it's NOT neutral. the bike lurches forward if you try to start it
3) the clutch SEEMS to be working OK, in that you can pull it in, the bike will roll, and it will start and idle just fine.
4) ever since i got the bike (about a month ago), it has had the infamous clutch rattle. it's pretty loud with the clutch out in idle, but basically goes away when you get the clutch in. the bike shifts (correction: DID shift) just fine. no shudder, no slip, although i have had a FEW instances of the bike popping out of gear or into the lower gear after a shift on a decent romp, but i had been attributing that to my lack of experience with the bike (to fast on the clutch or not aggressive enough on the gear selector).
i haven't had the chance to tear into the bike. it's late and i just got it home. i'll take a look in the morning.
any ideas on what i might be looking at, or more importantly, what kind of COST i'm looking at?