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steering head bearings - how to remove races

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    steering head bearings - how to remove races

    In order to sort out my handling problems, I am now changing the steering head bearings on my GS850.

    30 mins to dismantle front end. Another 40 mins to get the lower bearing off the removed yoke and then another 30 mins to get the new one on.

    But now I am stuck. I just cannot get the races out of the frame. I have been at it for hours and I honestly believe that they ain't even moved.
    I tried leaverage, a bit of heat and even modding a bit of bar to try and knock them out from above/below (i.e. knock the lower ones out from above by coming through the head stock and from below on the upper ones). No joy at all.

    How is it done ??? What's the secret ??
    I have no power in the garage so I can't use my dremmel or drill (not that I'd try that as I am bound to cut into the frame)


    They Will come Out

    Just use a broom stick thru top and pound your ass off. They will come out. I promise. Do not use heat as that causes metal to expand which includes the bearing itself on other side of neck. Your fighting yourself in that regard.



      a broom stick ?

      Ahh .. it must be slightly narrower where the races are then but isn't it going to be the same at the top and therefore won't the broomstick get stuck there .. ??


        I used a dremel to cut thru the race. With the step in the frame tube I couldn't get anything against the race to pound it out. With care you won't hurt the frame.



          When I removed mine I bought a set of long punches. I removed the lower first by placing the punch on the edge of the race and working it side to side. The upper is easier with the lower removed.


            two words, BIG HAMMER!!!!


              Heat is a no! no! Use a punch as sugested on the edge. Onec you get it out You can then grind the outer edge of the old brg race so that it is a loose fit, and use it to drive the new race in. By all means use a 5 lb hammer, wear gloves too.


                Heating the steering head? I dunno, I wouldn't unless I had no choice. I have a bearing race driver set so I don't have the problem. Just pick the appropriate size adapter and your handy dandy 2 1/2 pound hammer and whack away. You can buy these kits at Auto Parts Plus and other places like that.


                  Not going to buy a special tool as they are ?50.

                  I modded a slightly curved drift and got the top one out in about half an hour this afternoon but still couldn't manage the lower ones. There is just no lip on them !

                  I am now hopeful though that if I can mod another drift for the lower ones then that should do the job.

                  I wish I had power in there to use the power tools or access to a welder to weld a screw across but I ain't.

                  Wot a job !


                    I used a slide hammer with a pilot bearing remover on it. Just do not yank your bike of the centerstand.

