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Another Hot Bike Thread! hot, hot, hot!

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    Another Hot Bike Thread! hot, hot, hot!

    So, I read this one:
    This forum contains old posts which may have information which may be useful. It is a closed forum in that you can not post here any longer. Please post your questions in the other technical forums.

    great reading...but my ears didn't perk up until the last page...

    things I could relate to:
    thinning oil
    bike running really hot
    fuel in the oil
    sealed air box

    I've got another big trip coming up this last one to Monument Valley was marked by a sneaking suspicion that I am driving my GK to an early (very early!!! she doesn't even have 4,000 miles yet!!!) grave. Grandpa, you're logic (enjoy the dang ride) from past posts and from your posts in the thread mentioned above helped me through the trip...I still suspect that I am doing irreparable damage to my old-school touring machine :shock:

    here's the scoop:
    before embarking on my last adventure a couple of months ago, I had my first major issue with my GK...fuel POURING out of the airbox and flooding the engine...of course this had to happen a couple of days before the big trip! 4-5 oil changes and a oil filter change and a couple of air filter cleanings helped her make the 1,000 mile round trip. I've kind of been avoiding her since! (got a pretty new paint job on the 850 - part of the 1100 avoidance!) but now the 850 is in pieces again (changing boots and gaskets and getting a valve adjustment done) and I'm going to be touring southern NM with my camping gear, so the 1100 is the logical choice for the trip. (sorry, this is getting to be a little too long!)
    so, back on the 1100...commuting a couple of days last week and I noticed, man...this thing is burning my dang legs off! By the way...back to the fuel in the airbox/engine - I've got numerous opinions and ideas...I agree with Grandpa's the petcock (possibly the carbs, but not probable) - yes, I am going to replace it, just not before this trip (after, right after!) - to avoid getting more fuel in the engine or airbox I have figured out that keeping her on the center stand, not full of gas, and never putting the petcock to anything but the "on" position will keep the fuel where its supposed to be. (this is my temporary band aid until the new petcock arrives!)
    anyway, my legs are burning off - but I'm hard headed and STILL wasn't sure that it was running TOO hot...not until reading the other hot bike thread...someone mentioned it shouldn't be making the tick/ticking sound from the pipes when I shut it off...ok, it's doing that - safe to assume its running too hot? I think so.

    I'll be changing the oil - I used Pennzoil 10w40 last time...will go back to the Valvoline Motorcycle 4 Stroke 10w40 this time though - unless someone thinks the 20w50 is a better choice?
    I'll be changing the oil filter
    I'll be putting new weather stripping around key areas of the airbox
    I'll be putting a new K&N air filer in
    I'll be putting new plugs in
    I'll be putting new in-line fuel filters in
    I'll be putting a spakin' new acrylic windshield on \\/ (hopefully! I find out this afternoon)
    I'll be employing my silly band aid fix that keeps the fuel where it should be during the trip

    again, sorry for the long post...!

    help me out here! am I crazy for even considering this trip? keep telling me these things are bullet proof and I've got nothing to worry about...[-o<
    warped aluminum? aww, c'mon...can it be THAT bad? 8-[

    one more thing...

    She never backfires and never bogs...running as strong as ever but my paranoid ears do pick up an extra rattling coming from the cylinder head cover region...


      I thought those bikes had an oil temp gauge. ?? Mine pegs at something close to 400. Thats getting pretty hot for most oils. Ive seen it up there on a hot humid day stuck in traffic. I wish it was 20w50 that day. As long as you have fresh oil and keep the air going over the engine fins you should be OK. On a hot day I think they all tick when ya shut em off.

      That fuel in the airbox deal is your needle valve seats, or a stuck float.
      82 1100 EZ (red)

      "You co-opting words of KV only thickens the scent of your BS. A thief and a putter-on of airs most foul. " JEEPRUSTY



        Thanks Dave - that's what I need!!! :-D
        oil temp gauge? not mine...oil pressure warning light, yes...temp no. another on the needle valve side of the fence huh? well, I guess I ought to replace the petcock AND have someone go through the carbs again...better safe than sorry!

        Originally posted by bonanzadave View Post
        I thought those bikes had an oil temp gauge. ?? Mine pegs at something close to 400. Thats getting pretty hot for most oils. Ive seen it up there on a hot humid day stuck in traffic. I wish it was 20w50 that day. As long as you have fresh oil and keep the air going over the engine fins you should be OK. On a hot day I think they all tick when ya shut em off.

        That fuel in the airbox deal is your needle valve seats, or a stuck float.


          With NM heat, I'd recommend the 20w-50. And you don't want to run an inline filter, these bikes really don't like them. Leads to all kinds of fuel starvation issues. I prefer running filters, just can't on these bikes.


            With your fuel issue CHANGE THE O RINGS ON THE CARB FLOAT SEAT

