I'd always thought that my mirrors were positioned sort of... wonkily, and I'd always meant to try to adjust them but never got around to it, and a lot of times they'd just wind up moving back to where they were before, anyway, so I'd just been used to constantly shifting my body position slightly to check behind me as I'm riding.
Anyway, to make a long story short, I was all fired up from the wiring success, decided the mirrors were next, grabbed hold of one, and TURNED MIGHTILIY! And... *dink* it came off in my hand.
So... Yeah. The... mount thing..? The rubber is all dry-rotted. It's a pretty basic thing, and I think I got it figured out, but I wanted to ask about it anyway... I ordered myself two mounts and two.... nuts, I guess, from BikeBandit (see this schematic -- I ordered two of #4 and #5)... I'm assuming the little #4 parts have rubber inside of them that you stick the mirror into.
Alright. So my question is this-- the... stalk of the mirror, that's supposed to be just bare metal, right? Like, the mirror just ends, and there's no threaded end or rubber doohickey on it..?
And when the little parts I ordered arrive, will I need to do anything else besides mount them onto the bike and then cram the mirror stalk into the new rubber..?
Thanks for any info, encouragement, etc-- I get really nervous about doing things like this because I'm really good at breaking stuff