1. I rebuilt the carbs (dipped, air compressed, synced) and turned out the air mixture screws to 2 turns
2 I replaced the front tire.
Note: I am not a motorcycle genius and have basic understanding of mechanics enough to rebuild the carbs, that is why i am asking for all your help.
When i start the bike it starts like a champ, sometimes i need to pull the choke but it depends if i give it gas when i start. (bike only has 7900 miles on it). Now when i rev it it pops (backfire) also it pops a little at idle but not as much as at higher rpms. I just got the bike on the road (i am changing the oil tomorrow and wont be riding the bike tonight becuase of this) !! When i drove home the bike after warming up seems to want to die and idles a lot lower than at start (say about 2 to 3 miles estimate) Is this due to their not being enough oil in the bike right now? Also I bought all new spark plugs to replace the old ones. Also (i may be wrong) but it seems like later into riding the clutch seems to be slipping (in my terms i mean at a stop light while the clutch is pulled in the bike moves a little when revved ) My clutch is really hard to pull back (maybe cause my hands are small but i have never had that problem before). Now keep in mind this bike does need tune ups by anyones standards but it is in great shape and has low miles so I ask could you guys possible answer my questions or give me a list of all the stuff i need to go and do to the bike to get it up to par. I am leaving my email because I am sure this will probably be a long follow up. I will also keep you guys aware of my progress so i can get the best help money can or cannot buy.
