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Oil Consumption

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    Oil Consumption

    Last weekend I went on a small trip the bike performed beautifully except for one small thing - the amount of oil that I used getting to our destination. I used 700ml in 275km to get to our destination. What gives there? The guys I was riding with noticed no trail of blue typical of burning oil. On the return trip I used no oil - oil level was exactly the same. Back in January I went on another trip (1400km round trip) I went through no more than 200ml; not enough to worry about. Bike has 68,000km on the clock, oil was last changed 3000km ago (just before Januarys trip)

    Any thoughts on what's going on? Something blocked syphoning off the oil?


    You could have been burning off gas and water in your oil. If your first 3200km on the oil was short trips you would have been adding to your oil level rather than burning it off. You're not supposed to run oil that is more than 3-4 months old so you should change it regardless of what is going on.



      Probably just removing build up of water etc in the oil from short trips. On the first trip it just caught up with its normal consumption rate. Air cooled bikes dont necessarily get up to temp all the time on shorter trips


        if you left the choke on it can pull oil up into the combustion chamber but it would also make it bog and smoke so i`m not sure but an engine that burn`s oil will burn it all the time not part time and the choke would be a part time thing 8) Mark

