I had replaced the carb boots. After putting everything back together, I had no electricity any where except for the neutral, and oil pressure light. I found that I had not gotten the ground wire grounded very well. Ran the ground directly to the negative battery terminal and all was well. I started the bike several times, waiting a couple hours in between. It always started right up and ran smooth. I went out later to actually ride it, pushed it down off the center stand, and it hasn't started since.
I did find a hot wire that may have grounded out when I pushed it off the center stand. Fixed that. Still nothing, replaced all the fuses. Still nothing. It cranks very well, doesn't try to start though. I have checked the plugs, re-gapped them, and I have spark. I also have noticed that there seems to be fuel on the plugs, not much, but I don't know how much there should be. Question: Would replacing the plugs make any difference? They need to be replaced, but I was hoping to figure this out first.
I did find my vacuum hose from the tank to the carbs was busted at the carbs. Fixed that. Took the petcock apart, all seemed fine. No blockage in the fuel line. I have also pulled the carbs back out and did have fuel in them, turn them upside down and fuel ran out the air vents.
Even tried ether in the airbox and it still won't try to start.
I looked in my Haynes manual and they suggest looking at the points and condenser. Pulled the cover off and I can't see them. I seem to have a sealed unit on this bike.
The wiring is very crappy, with splices everywhere. I want to wait until this winter and rewire the bike. Not sure if this is related or not.
I am at a loss as to what to even try next. I have used a multimeter and seem to be getting voltage every where.
I read in one post that there should be a blade fuse on the right side, I don't have one.
I am sure that the carb boots are sealed good and the airbox boots as well.
I am desperate, please Help!!
