Biked ran fairly smooth last year and sat all winter and spring. Fired it up and got a tremendous amount of carbon on all 4 plugs. Put some sea foam in the tank and ran it a bit. Still nothing. Took float bowls off and cleaned out all main, needle, and pilot jets. (pilots were pretty trashed with carbon) and also reset the floats to about 17mm.
Tossed in some new plugs and took her out. She ran like a rocket for about 5 minutes before the carbon started building up on the plugs and she became sluggish. Closed the pilot screws from 1 turn out down to ½ turn out. Now on startup lots of backfiring… which means it is lean….. but then why the carbon on the plugs? Do I need to redo the timing?
Gtg frustrated so I called the local repair guy. He said that I needed to put the stock air box back on and that it would help the problem a lot. But I asked, wouldn’t that make the engine richer? He said something about the fact that the pods create too much (or maybe too little) back pressure and that that was my problem.
Any way… I was not having this problem last year after I made the modifications…. So I’m suspect of this guys advice…… so now I’m turning to the experts… YOU!
Thanks in advance!