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Clymer contradiction on '82 GS1100GL fork oil level

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    Clymer contradiction on '82 GS1100GL fork oil level


    I encountered a contradiction in some of the tables in my Clymer book. I'm not sure if these contradictions have been corrected in newer versions or not, but nevertheless it really got me confused.

    What's the quantity of fork oil I should need in 'ml' ?
    and the height in 'mm' ?

    I have two tables in Clymer with two contradiction values...

    Assistance is needed !



    The Suzuki service manual says 245 ml per leg but does not state measurement.


      Service manual

      Thanks for the information,

      by any chance no electronic copy of that service manual (pdf or so ???)

      I have the Clymer, but would appreciate all other GS 1100 info of course...

      greetz from sunny (!) Belgium...


        HI, I can scan and send pages but all I have is the hard copy in the red binder.


          Service manual

          Thanks for the effort you'd want to put in,
          but I'm looking for a full edition (even though some pages are worth
          more than no pages of course)...

          If still possible, I'd contact you later in case I need a specific page or so...
          does that sound feasible ?

          best regards,



            Yes I could do that.


              ok, so If I pull the plugs, let the oil drain out for 24 hours, and then add my straight 20W oil at 245ml... that's all I need to do?

              How the heck do you get the forks verticle without removing them?


                There is a drain screw at the bottom of shock. Remove 1 side and pump fork to drain. You should run some atf through the top plug, pump to clean and drain again. Add new oil through top plug slowly and recap the plug. Do both sides. Upper pinch bolt needs loosened to remove plug, it also has a spring so there is pressure on the plug. Need both sides as closr to each other with same amount of oil. I use 10-30/atf mixture oil but to each his own.


                  And don't forget that if you intend to have the top caps off both forks at once, be sure that you have the center of the bike braced well ..


