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Engine Rattle GS1000G

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    Engine Rattle GS1000G


    Could anyone help me.I have a rattle/nocking sound coming from what seems to be the top of my engine.It seems to dissapear as i turn the throttle just out of idling and reappears if i back the throttle off.I also find it sounds worse if i slip the clutch a bit when i pull away in 1st.Could this be the valves need setting, cam chain tensioner, clutch bearing?. I am worried if i carry on riding it somehing drastic will happen but i need it to get to work on.

    Cheers BillyGS.

    Check your cam chain tensioner. The valves actually tighten with wear and are hard to judge, based on the upper end noise. May be a broken clutch spring as well.


      Improperly synchronized carbs will cause a cam walk creating a knocking noise at idle. Usually rhythmic: knock knock knock...pause...knock knock knock...pause...etc. I don't know why, but I've seen it on many many Suziki inline 4 motors.


        Originally posted by billygs View Post

        Could anyone help me.I have a rattle/nocking sound coming from what seems to be the top of my engine.It seems to dissapear as i turn the throttle just out of idling and reappears if i back the throttle off.I also find it sounds worse if i slip the clutch a bit when i pull away in 1st.Could this be the valves need setting, cam chain tensioner, clutch bearing?. I am worried if i carry on riding it somehing drastic will happen but i need it to get to work on.

        Cheers BillyGS.
        Might be the clutch basket. The springs get worn or broken which would cause a rattling noise at idle. The springs take up the initial shock of taking off. I had this happen to me while I was riding my Katana one day. The springs fell out and the clutch basket exploded and locked up and skided the rear tire at about 25 mph. So listen for that, and see if thats the problem. I replaced the basket and springs and didnt have that problem anymore.

