recently I tried to start my bike and got only spinning of the starter and ?...engine not engaged.....talked with Rob (my brother) and he suggested that the starter clutch might be the culpret.....pulled off the left case and took things apart....not much obviously wrong except that one of the springs and plungers in the starter clutch stuck in the "in" position......this might be the problem....obviously not supposed to be this way.....with some effort and proper pliers (actually wire cutters) pulled it out......
since I have things torn down I have ordered (very inexpensive parts) new rollers, springs, plungers, allen bolts and a washer I noticed was missing from my assembly when I looked at the exploded diagram......
should get parts or tomorrow in the mail....
have been reading as much as I can about the repair of starter clutch in this forum and the material is excellent and have copied several pieces that I will use to help me through the process of putting things back together.....
I would feel better about my effort to get the most out of this effort if I knew precisely how the starter clutch worked.....can someone go through the sequence of operation for me.......
what I understand now is that the starter motor spins turning the small gear at the end of the starter.....this small gear turns a pair of engaged gears that turn a larger gear that is on the crankshaft.....this large gear is isolated from the crankshaft with a couple of bearings (by the way should I pack these bearings before I put things back together, perhaps not as it is pretty much bathed in oil).....the starter clutch and huge magnet (looks like a cereal bowl) are attached to the crankshaft and kept from turning on the shaft by a tapered shaft and tightening a bolt (I understand that the bolt needs to be properly torqued and held in place with locktight, I will need to borrow or buy a torque wrench as I don't have one).....
all of this I understand.....what is it about the assembly that causes the starter gears to member up with the starter clutch and turn the engine??.....does the electromagnet power up and attach itself to the large gear or is there something more subtle going on......
thanks for any help on this matter.