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Headlight Modulator Question

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    Originally posted by bakalorz View Post
    Just think of the headlight as a REALLY REALLY BIG LED. \\/
    Somewhat unrelated, but I wonder when we're going to start seeing headlights that really are REALLY REALLY BIG LEDs?

    Less power consumption, less heat, and greater reliability would make me very happy, but I suspect LED headlights will be hellishly expensive if they ever arrive. Glowing filaments are pretty well understood technology and hard to beat...
    1983 GS850G, Cosmos Blue.
    2005 KLR685, Aztec Pink - Turd II.3, the ReReReTurdening
    2015 Yamaha FJ-09, Magma Red Power Corrupts...
    Eat more venison.

    Please provide details. The GSR Hive Mind is nearly omniscient, but not yet clairvoyant.

    Celeriter equita, converteque saepe.


    Co-host of "The Riding Obsession" sport-touring motorcycling podcast at!


      Originally posted by bwringer View Post
      Somewhat unrelated, but I wonder when we're going to start seeing headlights that really are REALLY REALLY BIG LEDs?

      Less power consumption, less heat, and greater reliability would make me very happy, but I suspect LED headlights will be hellishly expensive if they ever arrive. Glowing filaments are pretty well understood technology and hard to beat...

      LED-based headlights have appeared on the new car scene: the Audi R8 and Lexus LS will be the first vehicles to be using LED headlights. The benefits of LED headlights are lower power consumption, durability and significantly more flexible packaging. However, it does appear that heat build up within LEDs are a big issue, as are the fact that the LEDs need to deal with the heat from the engine compartment. See this post from Wheel Talk for a detailed examination of the new headlights.


        Originally posted by bakalorz View Post

        Originally posted by Steve View Post
        Have you also met the other operating parameters?
        *Modulation rate: 240 +/-40 per minute
        *Minimum intensity 17%
        *Time at max intensity 50-70%
        *Not to be installed in ground wire
        *In case of unit failure, headlight must revert to normal operation
        Those are all adjusted via software, and easy to meet.
        I put the min at 18 or 19 % just to leave some leeway (like anyone would know ...)

        Time at max is 66% (this makes adjusting the timing loops easy ... run through the same loop twice on high, then once on low, adjust the loop untill the total is .25 sec ...)

        Modulation rate is right at 240 +/- less than 1%

        If I get motivated I may play with the Modulation rate and time at max, and take them to the legal limits at each end just to see if it makes the lights more noticable ... or I'll get lazy and say good enough.
        I got motivated, and set it up so that modulation rate can be:
        201/min, 240/min, or 279/min; selectable via jumpers or a switch. The default is 240

        The "Time at max intensity" can be selected as either 50% or 67%, again selected via presence or absence of a jumper.

        I am asking for those of you who want to build one to pick which one (50% or 67%) you would want as the default.

        Reply to the thread, or private MSG me.

        Vote early and vote often ... \\/


          If you are going to offer a choice, with one of them as the default, use 50% as the default.
          The "blinking" effect will be more pronounced, and that is what you are looking for. :shock:

          mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
          hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
          #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
          #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
          Family Portrait
          Siblings and Spouses
          Mom's first ride
          Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
          (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


            Originally posted by bakalorz View Post
            Vote early and vote often ... \\/
            If you are going to offer a choice, with one of them as the default, use 50% as the default.
            The "blinking" effect will be more pronounced, and that is what you are looking for. :shock:

            mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
            hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
            #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
            #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
            Family Portrait
            Siblings and Spouses
            Mom's first ride
            Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
            (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


              Originally posted by bakalorz View Post
              Vote early and vote often ... \\/
              If you are going to offer a choice, with one of them as the default, use 50% as the default.
              The "blinking" effect will be more pronounced, and that is what you are looking for. :shock:

              mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
              hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
              #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
              #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
              Family Portrait
              Siblings and Spouses
              Mom's first ride
              Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
              (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                Originally posted by bakalorz View Post
                Vote early and vote often ... \\/
                If you are going to offer a choice, with one of them as the default, use 50% as the default.
                The "blinking" effect will be more pronounced, and that is what you are looking for. :shock:

                mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                Family Portrait
                Siblings and Spouses
                Mom's first ride
                Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                  Ya gotta really fool this board to vote that often. :shock:

                  First, it won't let you post more often than once every 30 seconds.

                  Then, it doesn't like it if the post is a duplicate of one that was posted within the last five minutes.

                  So, you have to add a space here or there to do this kind of evil stuff. 8-[ :-\"

                  mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                  hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                  #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                  #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                  Family Portrait
                  Siblings and Spouses
                  Mom's first ride
                  Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                  (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                    Well, I got the regulator in the bike and running this weekend.

                    So here's the schematic and program for the modulator.
                    Its pretty simple...

                    a MINUS Five Volt voltage regulator and 3 caps for it.
                    a PIC 12F683 microcontroller
                    a CDs Photodetector
                    a few P-channel Mosfets
                    3 resistors
                    an optional diode to protect against reversed connections

                    A couple of notes:

                    The Modulator can be completely bypassed by connecting the two terminals marked BYPASS. You could connect them with a switch to turn it off or in case it fails. I didn't bother on mine.

                    The low beam wire is shown in the schematic. It is not used as part of the modulator. But if you wire yours in in between the socket and the bulb, you will need to make a wire for the low beam connection though.

                    D1 is only used to protect against reversing the input connections for +
                    and -
                    If you know you'll never do this, you can omit it...
                    It is shown as a power diode, but the only power it needs to pass is the
                    power to the PIC (negligible), the gate drive (negligible), and whatever
                    the regulator wastes. So any current rating is enough.
                    Also, the bike-ground wire going to the modulator can be very light wire, since it carries almost no current
                    The 1k resistor provides gate drive to the FETs.
                    The 47k resistor provides a weak pull down to drive the fets on
                    while the PIC is booting up. (and if it ever locks with the output
                    Tri-stated to high impedance)
                    Otherwise, there would be a 1/4 sec or so turn on delay when you turned
                    the high beams on. While this wouldn't be too noticable if the PIC
                    started modulating, it would kind of suck when you turn the high beams on
                    at night ...
                    As soon as the PIC starts up (assuming the light sensor sees light), the
                    PIC will override the 47k resistor.

                    The Nanny-State government says the modulator is supposed to work on the positive side and not the ground lead ... That means we can't use
                    N-channel FETs unless we use a special funky driver that will raise the
                    gates above the positive rail. I'd rather avoid that extra complexity,
                    so we'll use P-channel FETs. The number of Fets required depends on
                    their current carrying capacity compared to the headlight current. I
                    drew three, but mine were about 7 amps each, so I built it with just 2
                    in the end for a factor of safety of about two and a half. Just parallel
                    as many as you want/need.

                    To drive them, it's easiest if the PIC voltage will go all the way to
                    the positive rail (which acts as the ground for P type FETs) So we use a
                    NEGATIVE regulator, which provides a regulated voltage 5 volts below the
                    12 volt rail (instead of a positive regulator which rovides a regulated
                    voltage 5 volts above the ground rail) So the regulator section looks a
                    little strange, with "ground" being +12 volts ...

                    Also, since the P-FETs are on when the gate voltage is negative, the PWM
                    output is "active low".

                    The Photodetector and its resistor form a voltage divider. This is read
                    by the A/D converter in the PIC. To make it easy, I just read the first
                    bit ... That bit changes when the resisance of the Photodetector is
                    equal to the resistor ... slick and easy ... So pick a photodetector
                    that has a resistance of 10k at your desired level of darkness. The one
                    I show in the parts list is 10k at 10 to 15 minutes after sundown.

                    Internal weak pull-ups are enabled on pins 2,6, and 7. These let you
                    provide input to the PIC by either leaving them open or shorting them to
                    the Vss terminal. (the PICs local ground ... not to be confused with
                    the bikes ground)

                    The government says the "full brightness" time should be 50 to 70
                    percent of the total. I wanted to try both, and see what worked better.
                    If pin 2 of the pic is high, the duty cycle is 50%; If pin 2 is low, the
                    duty cycle is 67%. Internal weak pullups are enabled on pin 2, so if it
                    is unconnected it will be high. To pull it low, short it to Vss via a
                    jumper or Solder-bridge. Alternatively, if you connect pin 2 to Vss via
                    a switch you can vary the duty cycle by flipping the switch.

                    Pins 6 and 7 can be used to change the flash rate.
                    If neither pin 6 nor 7 is connected, the default rate is 240 flashes/min
                    connect pin 6 to Vss to change the rate to 202 flashes/min
                    connect pin 7 to Vss to change the rate to 278 flashes/min
                    (if both are connected, the rate will be 202)
                    If you connect Vss to the center, and pins 6 and 7 to the outside of a
                    SPDT-center-off switch, you will have a switch that provides all three
                    speeds in order.

                    Pin 4 (mclr) should be connected to Vss or Vdd after programming. It
                    doesn't matter which, it just shouldn't float.

                    Otherwise, pins 4, 6, and 7 are not connected, however, they are brought
                    out to pieces of wire which are used for initially programming the PIC.
                    Pin 1 and pin 8 are also used in programming, so there are wires brought
                    out for them too. These wires can be clipped after the pic is

                    Also, PIN 8 (Vss) is eventually connected to the regulator, but during
                    programming it should not be connected to the regulator. The programmer
                    will supply power to Vdd and Vss, which would damage the regulator if
                    the regulator were connected at that time. So pin 8 is connected to the
                    rest of the board via an intentional solder bridge which is formed after
                    programming is complete. If you ever need to reprogram the PIC, make
                    sure to temporarily melt that bridge.


                      Bleah, it looks like the forum butchered the formating ...
                      hopefully not so badly that it doesn't load into the pic

                      ;************************************************* *********************
                      ; *
                      ; Filename: xxx.asm *
                      ; Date: *
                      ; File Version: *
                      ; *
                      ; Author: Martin Bakalorz *
                      ; Company: *
                      ; *
                      ; *
                      ;************************************************* *********************
                      ; *
                      ; Files required: *
                      ; *
                      ; *
                      ; *
                      ;************************************************* *********************
                      ; *
                      ; Notes: *
                      ; *
                      ; *
                      ; *
                      ; *
                      ;************************************************* *********************
                      list p=12F683 ; list directive to define processor
                      #include <> ; processor specific variable definitions
                      errorlevel -302 ; suppress message 302 from list file
                      ; '__CONFIG' directive is used to embed configuration word within .asm file.
                      ; The lables following the directive are located in the respective .inc file.
                      ; See data sheet for additional information on configuration word settings.

                      ;***** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS
                      INNERDELAY EQU 0x73
                      MIDDLEDELAY EQU 0x74
                      OUTERDELAY EQU 0x75

                      ;************************************************* *********************
                      ORG 0x000 ; processor reset vector
                      goto main ; go to beginning of program

                      ; ***** initialize Stuff *****
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                      MOVLW 07h ;Set GP<2:0> to
                      MOVWF CMCON0 ;digital I/O
                      movlw b'00000000' ; load w with 0000 0000
                      movwf GPIO ; set GPIO (except maybe pin 2-determine later) --- sets voltage of pins if outputs --- 0 = low voltage
                      ; *** NOTE *** assuming active low on PWM drivers
                      BSF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1
                      movlw b'00011000' ; load w with 0101 1000
                      movwf ANSEL ; SET AN/DIGITAL to digital I/O except pin an3, and also set Tad to Tosc/8
                      movlw b'00111011' ; load w with 0011 1011
                      movwf TRISIO ; configure GPIO as all inputs except GP-2 (PWM-output)
                      movlw b'00100011' ; load w with 0010 0011
                      movwf WPU ; Turn on weak pullups on pins 2,6,7
                      movlw b'01111111' ; load w with 0111 1111
                      movwf OPTION_REG ; enable weak pullups (globally)
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                      ; Prepare A/D converter for use
                      movlw b'00001101' ; load w
                      movwf ADCON0 ; configure adcon (left, Vdd, an3, A/D on)
                      ; ***** setup PWM stuff *****
                      ; setup period
                      BSF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1
                      MOVLW b'11111110' ; ; setup W register
                      MOVWF PR2 ; setup period

                      ;Setup Initial Duty Cycle
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                      MOVLW 0x00 ; setup W register
                      MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                      BCF CCP1CON,4 ;set lowest bit
                      BCF CCP1CON,5 ;set 2nd lowest bit
                      MOVLW b'00000101' ; setup W register
                      MOVWF T2CON ; set timer2: postscale=1, prescale=4, on

                      MOVLW B'00001100' ; prime W
                      MOVWF CCP1CON ;enable PWM (start the PWM)
                      ; ***** Begin Looping part of Program ******************************
                      ; 1st period (High duty cycle)
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                      MOVLW 0x00 ; setup W register
                      MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                      BCF CCP1CON,4 ;set lowest bit
                      BCF CCP1CON,5 ;set 2nd lowest bit
                      call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 1st time

                      ; 2nd period (still High duty cycle) - call A/D let it run during cycle
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                      BSF ADCON0,GO ; Run an A/D conversion
                      call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 2nd time

                      ; 3rd period (still High duty cycle)
                      call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 3rd time

                      ; 4th period ... variable high percentage, Read A/D and percentage I/O, then low or high depending on light level and duty cycle setting
                      BTFSC ADRESH,7 ;read highest bit of A/D
                      goto dutyhigh1
                      ; BTFSC GPIO,5 ;read pin 5 of gpio (high/low on time) skip if clear pick one of these two depending on the default duty cycle desired
                      BTFSS GPIO,5 ;read pin 5 of gpio (high/low on time) skip if set pick one of these two depending on the default duty cycle desired
                      goto dutyhigh1

                      ; this is the low one (ie modulated)
                      dutylow1 ; gets here if A/D < 2.5v (light) AND low on-time
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                      MOVLW b'11010001' ; setup W register
                      MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                      goto done1
                      ; this is the high one (ie NOT modulated)
                      dutyhigh1 ; gets here if A/D > 2.5v (dark) OR high on-time
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                      MOVLW b'00000000' ; setup W register
                      MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits

                      call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 4th time

                      ; 5th period ... Read A/D, then low or high depending on light level
                      BTFSC ADRESH,7 ;read highest bit of A/D
                      goto dutyhigh2

                      ; this is the low one (ie modulated)
                      dutylow2 ; gets here if A/D < 2.5v (light)
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                      MOVLW b'11010001' ; setup W register
                      MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                      goto done2
                      ; this is the high one (ie NOT modulated)
                      dutyhigh2 ; gets here if A/D > 2.5v (dark)
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                      MOVLW b'00000000' ; setup W register
                      MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits

                      call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 5th time

                      ; 6th period ... same intensity as 5th
                      call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 6th time

                      goto restart ; back to the infinite loop

                      ; ************************************************** **********************************
                      ; ************************************************** **********************************
                      ; ************************************************** **********************************

                      movlw 0x01
                      ; movlw 0x04 ; FOR TESTING sets (0xA1) period to 1 sec
                      movwf OUTERDELAY ; set outer delay loop

                      ; 0x8B --> 278/min
                      ; 0xA1 --> 240/min
                      ; 0xBF --> 202/min
                      BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                      movlw 0xA1
                      ; movlw 0x55 ;FOR TESTING
                      movwf MIDDLEDELAY ; set middle delay loop
                      movlw 0x8B
                      ; movlw 0x1C ;FOR TESTING
                      BTFSS GPIO,0 ;read pin 7 (GPIO 0) (high/low on time) skip if SET
                      movwf MIDDLEDELAY ; shorten middle delay loop if pin 7 grounded
                      movlw 0xBF
                      ; movlw 0xFF ;FOR TESTING
                      BTFSS GPIO,1 ;read pin 6 (GPIO 1) (high/low on time) skip if SET
                      movwf MIDDLEDELAY ; LENGTHEN middle delay loop if pin 6 grounded
                      movlw 0x55
                      movwf INNERDELAY ; set inner delay loop
                      decfsz INNERDELAY,F
                      goto DelayInner
                      decfsz MIDDLEDELAY,F
                      goto DelayMiddle

                      decfsz OUTERDELAY,F
                      goto DelayOuter

                      ; initialize eeprom locations
                      ORG 0x2100
                      DE 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03

                      END ; directive 'end of program'


                        Well, I went riding for a second week with the modulator.

                        One thing I noticed last week, was that when the light was modulating, the headlight never quite made it up to full brightness.
                        This is not the fault of the modulator, but just a charachteristic of the bulb.
                        All bulbs take a fraction of a second to come up to full output, and a fraction of a second to decay as well.

                        So this week I connected the wires that make the duty cycle 67% instead of 50%
                        That gave enough extra time for the bulb to come up to full brightness.

                        So I am attaching an edited version of the program that defaults to 67% full brightness vice 50%. (50% is still available as an option by shorting the duty cycle wire to Vss)

                        The change is done by REMing one line with a semicolon, and unREMing the one above it .

                        ;************************************************* *********************
                        ; *
                        ; Filename: xxx.asm *
                        ; Date: *
                        ; File Version: *
                        ; *
                        ; Author: Martin Bakalorz *
                        ; Company: *
                        ; *
                        ; *
                        ;************************************************* *********************
                        ; *
                        ; Files required: *
                        ; *
                        ; *
                        ; *
                        ;************************************************* *********************
                        ; *
                        ; Notes: *
                        ; *
                        ; * revised to change default duty cycle to 67%
                        ; *
                        ; *
                        ;************************************************* *********************
                        list p=12F683 ; list directive to define processor
                        #include <> ; processor specific variable definitions
                        errorlevel -302 ; suppress message 302 from list file
                        ; '__CONFIG' directive is used to embed configuration word within .asm file.
                        ; The lables following the directive are located in the respective .inc file.
                        ; See data sheet for additional information on configuration word settings.

                        ;***** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS
                        INNERDELAY EQU 0x73
                        MIDDLEDELAY EQU 0x74
                        OUTERDELAY EQU 0x75

                        ;************************************************* *********************
                        ORG 0x000 ; processor reset vector
                        goto main ; go to beginning of program

                        ; ***** initialize Stuff *****
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                        MOVLW 07h ;Set GP<2:0> to
                        MOVWF CMCON0 ;digital I/O
                        movlw b'00000000' ; load w with 0000 0000
                        movwf GPIO ; set GPIO (except maybe pin 2-determine later) --- sets voltage of pins if outputs --- 0 = low voltage
                        ; *** NOTE *** assuming active low on PWM drivers
                        BSF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1
                        movlw b'00011000' ; load w with 0101 1000
                        movwf ANSEL ; SET AN/DIGITAL to digital I/O except pin an3, and also set Tad to Tosc/8
                        movlw b'00111011' ; load w with 0011 1011
                        movwf TRISIO ; configure GPIO as all inputs except GP-2 (PWM-output)
                        movlw b'00100011' ; load w with 0010 0011
                        movwf WPU ; Turn on weak pullups on pins 2,6,7
                        movlw b'01111111' ; load w with 0111 1111
                        movwf OPTION_REG ; enable weak pullups (globally)
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                        ; Prepare A/D converter for use
                        movlw b'00001101' ; load w
                        movwf ADCON0 ; configure adcon (left, Vdd, an3, A/D on)
                        ; ***** setup PWM stuff *****
                        ; setup period
                        BSF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1
                        MOVLW b'11111110' ; ; setup W register
                        MOVWF PR2 ; setup period

                        ;Setup Initial Duty Cycle
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                        MOVLW 0x00 ; setup W register
                        MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                        BCF CCP1CON,4 ;set lowest bit
                        BCF CCP1CON,5 ;set 2nd lowest bit
                        MOVLW b'00000101' ; setup W register
                        MOVWF T2CON ; set timer2: postscale=1, prescale=4, on

                        MOVLW B'00001100' ; prime W
                        MOVWF CCP1CON ;enable PWM (start the PWM)
                        ; ***** Begin Looping part of Program ******************************
                        ; 1st period (High duty cycle)
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                        MOVLW 0x00 ; setup W register
                        MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                        BCF CCP1CON,4 ;set lowest bit
                        BCF CCP1CON,5 ;set 2nd lowest bit
                        call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 1st time

                        ; 2nd period (still High duty cycle) - call A/D let it run during cycle
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                        BSF ADCON0,GO ; Run an A/D conversion
                        call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 2nd time

                        ; 3rd period (still High duty cycle)
                        call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 3rd time

                        ; 4th period ... variable high percentage, Read A/D and percentage I/O, then low or high depending on light level and duty cycle setting
                        BTFSC ADRESH,7 ;read highest bit of A/D
                        goto dutyhigh1
                        BTFSC GPIO,5 ;read pin 5 of gpio (high/low on time) skip if clear pick one of these two depending on the default duty cycle desired
                        ; BTFSS GPIO,5 ;read pin 5 of gpio (high/low on time) skip if set pick one of these two depending on the default duty cycle desired
                        goto dutyhigh1

                        ; this is the low one (ie modulated)
                        dutylow1 ; gets here if A/D < 2.5v (light) AND low on-time
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                        MOVLW b'11010001' ; setup W register
                        MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                        goto done1
                        ; this is the high one (ie NOT modulated)
                        dutyhigh1 ; gets here if A/D > 2.5v (dark) OR high on-time
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                        MOVLW b'00000000' ; setup W register
                        MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits

                        call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 4th time

                        ; 5th period ... Read A/D, then low or high depending on light level
                        BTFSC ADRESH,7 ;read highest bit of A/D
                        goto dutyhigh2

                        ; this is the low one (ie modulated)
                        dutylow2 ; gets here if A/D < 2.5v (light)
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                        MOVLW b'11010001' ; setup W register
                        MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits
                        goto done2
                        ; this is the high one (ie NOT modulated)
                        dutyhigh2 ; gets here if A/D > 2.5v (dark)
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0
                        MOVLW b'00000000' ; setup W register
                        MOVWF CCPR1L ; set Duty cycle top 8 bits

                        call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 5th time

                        ; 6th period ... same intensity as 5th
                        call Delay ; go to Delay subroutine 6th time

                        goto restart ; back to the infinite loop

                        ; ************************************************** **********************************
                        ; ************************************************** **********************************
                        ; ************************************************** **********************************

                        movlw 0x01
                        ; movlw 0x04 ; FOR TESTING sets (0xA1) period to 1 sec
                        movwf OUTERDELAY ; set outer delay loop

                        ; 0x8B --> 278/min
                        ; 0xA1 --> 240/min
                        ; 0xBF --> 202/min
                        BCF STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
                        movlw 0xA1
                        ; movlw 0x55 ;FOR TESTING
                        movwf MIDDLEDELAY ; set middle delay loop
                        movlw 0x8B
                        ; movlw 0x1C ;FOR TESTING
                        BTFSS GPIO,0 ;read pin 7 (GPIO 0) (high/low on time) skip if SET
                        movwf MIDDLEDELAY ; shorten middle delay loop if pin 7 grounded
                        movlw 0xBF
                        ; movlw 0xFF ;FOR TESTING
                        BTFSS GPIO,1 ;read pin 6 (GPIO 1) (high/low on time) skip if SET
                        movwf MIDDLEDELAY ; LENGTHEN middle delay loop if pin 6 grounded
                        movlw 0x55
                        movwf INNERDELAY ; set inner delay loop
                        decfsz INNERDELAY,F
                        goto DelayInner
                        decfsz MIDDLEDELAY,F
                        goto DelayMiddle

                        decfsz OUTERDELAY,F
                        goto DelayOuter

                        ; initialize eeprom locations
                        ORG 0x2100
                        DE 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03

                        END ; directive 'end of program'


