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Oil Change question?

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    Originally posted by conquestpa
    can you guys clear up the confuession about the spark plug resistors for me and dieselimx?
    I cant figure how the 2 became mixed together. Who asked that question any way????


      so slowpoke, do you know anything about the resistors in the spark plugs, or are you here jsut to make fun of peoples names and poke at people?


        Them sounds like fightin' words............... :twisted:


          Originally posted by D|sElMiNk
          Nick Diaz : I am very much indeed getting ripped off. That $111 is in US currency. The price quoted to me for a new manual was 815kr. If the manual had cost 111kr I wouldn't hesitate to buy it. I can afford the manual later on, I just think it's a lot of money for something I should be able to find at a more reasonable price.

          Oh and, I don't blame you for having trouble pronouncing my nickname, it's far easier in norwegian

          As for the Clymer manual, the closest match I've found for my bike (GSX750ESD) is this:

          Are there any differences between the 550 and the 750 that could fork things up for me if I were to buy it?
          Email these people for the manual. I got mine from them for about $17.

          What part of Norway are you from? I've been there to work about three or four times.



            Originally posted by conquestpa
            so slowpoke, do you know anything about the resistors in the spark plugs, or are you here jsut to make fun of peoples names and poke at people?
            I know nothing about electrical things. And It's a lot of fun to poke at folks.


              Scotty does that very well, conquestpa, probably better than anybody around here. He's our role model and mentor. We just try our stuff on him to make sure we're getting it right!



                TheNose: I'm from Hedmark, on the east side. Where have you been, and what kind of work do you do ?

                And as for the manuals, did you mean I should drop Amazon an e-mail ? :?

