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Starter, Solenoid ??

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    Starter, Solenoid ??

    Here is my deal:

    Bike: 83 GS 1100 GK

    Problem: Went from starting rough, especially when it is hot, to not starting. The solenoid clicks when I start it but nothing from there.

    Any direction on how to tell if it is the starter or solenoid that is out?

    ps. The battery is charged



    If you're getting a click then the solenoid is most likely not your problem. Take a screwdriver and arc it across the two big terminals on the solenoid to see if the starter spins up. You shouldn't even need the ignition on for that. If not you can usually bring the starter back to life by polishing up the commutator on the starter. The commutator is the part of the armature the brushes ride on. Use a little emery cloth to polish it and use a pick to clean the debris out of the slots. You'll need new brushes if they are getting down to about 1/4" long.


      Great response

      Thanks for taking the time.

      I did what you said and it does spin.

      I will do what you advised with the starter.

      (With help from someone that knows what they are doing! :-D)


        If the starter spun up after jumping the terminals then the starter is probably fine and the solenoid is suspect. Some guys use riding mower solenoids to replace the stocker. I think they run about $10 at Lowe's or Home Depot compared to who knows what for the Suzuki part.


          $10 from Lowes

          :-D wow, that is something you don't read in the average tech manual.

          I am going to give that a shot.

          Thanks again!



            Billy, question on the connections

            :-D Hi Billy, you still there?

            Hey, I went to lowes and they do have them solonoids.

            It really looks like the same size. My only question is that my 83 gk
            has 2 small round electrical prongs that attach to it and the tractor solonoid had one prong that was square connector.

            Any thoughts on that?


              solenoid tried

              I tried to replace it with a solenoid to see if that was the problem and it was not.

              I forgot to note something.

              1.When I turn my key on, I do not have any lights. When I jump the solenoid I then have lights.

              2.Before it died, it was a slow growly start. It really struggled to start when it was hot.

              Is this indicative of the starting motor?


                The lights should come on as soon as the key is turned on.
                Now, you say the lights come on when you "jump the solenoid" - but that circuit should only make the starter motor turn. Sounds like someone messed with the wiring in a major way, or when you "jump the solenoid", you're really "jumping" the fuse (bypassing it) that powers the lights/ignition.
                Do you have a wiring diagram? Without one, you're going to have a rough time understanding what's going on.


                  wiring diagram

                  No, I do not have a wiring diagram, and really would need to farm this type of work out, as I am not handy at all with this stuff. And I mean at all.

                  My concern is it chewing up more money than the bike is worth.

                  I think I am going to seek out someone that can go through the wiring for me. I am tempted to sell or perhaps give it away if I found someone that had a need and had the knowledge to fix it themselves.


                    Ah, now if only I lived within 5 hours driving distance of you I'd have a nice new project!!!
                    But seriously, I guess you have to decide if you're willing/able to invest the time and effort to learn.
                    Tool acquisition costs will probably be between $200 and $400, depending on what you've got already.
                    Last edited by Guest; 10-24-2007, 12:31 PM.


                      Jumping the solenoid should not brighten the lights, ever....if anything it may dim them due to the current being drawn by the starter.

                      A growling sound from the starter means a poor cable connection, which could be at the battery, or the starter end, but is most likely at the solenoid, as you probably have a second wire connecting there, and leading elsewhere on your bike, thus the change in lighting when you cross the posts.

                      If you intend to clean up the commutator on the starter, and/or replace the brushes, look at the starter body first. You will see small marks on the body and the end cap. They are supposed to match up when the unit is assembled.
                      A take-away:


                        about this tractor starter relay... What model are you getting and which terminals correspond with what on the bike. I've gone through a few used starter relays and they've all been bad. I'm ready for something new that doesn't cost $60


                          Alright , I went to lowes and found the $10 relay and it fits with no modification. Only problem is i still get the click and no start. When I arc the terminals it starts. Whats the deal??? I do have the relay grounded directly to the battery.


                            anybody have an idea?


                              Clean the ground wire off the battery. Clean all the connections between the battery and starter. Bypass the clutch safety switch. Make sure the battery is good.
                              Do the old clean the connections game. Squeeze the female end of loose fitting bullet connectors.
                              1983 GS 1100E w/ 1230 kit, .340 lift Web Cams, Ape heavy duty valve springs, 83 1100 head with 1.5mm oversized SS intake valves, 1150 crank, Vance and Hines 1150 SuperHub, Star Racing high volume oil pump gears, 36mm carebs Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, Posplayr's SSPB, Progressive rear shocks and fork springs, Dyna 2000, Dynatek green coils and Vance & Hines 4-1 exhaust.
                              1985 GS1150ES stock with 85 Red E bodywork.

