The bike will not turn over right away, It it does catch, I have to really rev it to warm up. If I miss the window to rev it, it will not catch after that. If I set it to Prime, and leave it for a minute, gas will drip from the tube below. Sometimes it starts right up, sometimes not. Even after riding for an hour, I could very well stop the bike and then it will not start up again.
After many posts about this, people have given many suggestions on what it could be. I know close to nothing about what to do mechanically. Here are some suggestions from this forum as what it could be:
1. Petcock - Okay, easy enough, I replaced the petcock. Issue still remains
2. Gas Cap Vent- What is this? it was mention that there might be a leak preventing vacuum. Unfortunately, recently someone knocked my bike over, and I noticed that gas had leaked out of one side of the cap. Could this be the issue? It looks like the cap is on snug but who knows. I can definitley push down on the cap whens it's locked. Meaning there is definitely a bit of up and down movement. Maybe this is natural (Any more info on this how to fix, what tools I need to diagnose would be great)
3. Valves - Perhaps by valves are too tight. Bass Cliff has been kind enough to post a tutorial on this and aid me as to where to buy tools and gaskets.
4. Carbs - I've been told my float needles might not be seating properly. I will need to tackle a carb rebuild over the winter. Just don't have the time or space right now.
Is there anything I could be missing that could be my issue. What order should I diagnose and what tools do I need for each step.
thanks in advance for any help. I'm watching the end of the season pass me by and it's upsetting.