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Someone help me out please...

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    Man thats excellant news. Thanks again guys...being an old GS owner ive found is a roller coaster of emotion. Yesterday i was so upset and bummed out i was considering selling it in favor of building the slightly newer and in better overall (aside from the lack of body work and top end issues) condition 80. I was seriously that frustrated. But i had today off, i spent all of the daylight doing everything that i had read and had been suggested, and while its obviously still got some probs, im getting closer and im elated about it. Whats better to me is that with help from you guys i actually did it myself instead of taking it somewhere (another option that id considered, but fear of them screwing it up worse stopped me) That old bike is so beautiful to me, and while its not stock, come spring it will be one bad a$$ machine. I am however keeping my eye out for a 2v motor in complete condition as i dont know how many miles this one has and it never hurts to have an extra..At any rate, new orings for the manifold are in order, and from there i dunno, but i have much so that ive taken the CVs off that lil yammie 400 of mine for a more thorough cleaning..that one is SOOO close with my new knowledge i bet i get her goin before the weeks out..THanks again guys..sincerely this is the best forum ive ever been on.



      Hope all goes well! There's nothing like the satisfaction of doing it yourself...nothing like the frustration, either! #-o:twisted: :-D.


        One of my old 550s running VMs was supersensitive to carb balancing. the bench sync was just about good enough to get it to run but had the same problems as you seem to have - drop the throttle and it seemed to take an age to trickle down to a decent tickover. I checked all the rubbers, valves etc on that old lady but to no improvement - the vacuum sync was the only thing that sorted it - just a few degrees turn on the adjusters made a massive difference to slow run. The only thing I didn't do was replace the jets / needles / slides etc as otherwise she was a fine, quick bike.

        I've had several 550s and only one had this supersensitivity issue - maybe yours is the same.

        79 GS1000S
        79 GS1000S (another one)
        80 GSX750
        80 GS550
        80 CB650 cafe racer
        75 PC50 - the one with OHV and pedals...
        75 TS100 - being ridden (suicidally) by my father


          Glad you've stuck with it and things are going better.
          You can't tune until the intake leak is fixed. Most common reason is the manifold o-ring. Apply some hi-temp bearing grease to the new ones and replace the Phillips screws for the manifolds with Allens and torque to about 6 ft/lb. The stock Phillips screws can strip easily so use an impact tool and a GOOD fitting bit. Slow to return idle is a classic lean/intake symptom.
          That slide must have been very corroded/dirty. It takes quite a bit to keep the stock (?) pulley spring from returning the slides.
          If the bike is in otherwise good tune, the 115 mains will not be large enough, so 3/4 and above throttle performance will be less than it should be.
          Man it's late and I gotta do my annual polish job to be tready for the big ride this Sunday. Takes me all day so I use a vacation day and go at it.
          Let us know how things go with the bike.
          And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
          Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!

