If you used plaster you would run into problems with cracking, although I suppose you could reattach the broken pieces together before laying/pouring the fiberglass into it.
Certainly there are a variety of ways to accomplish this task, but in terms of getting a reliable mold shipped over to you I'm guessing the latex is perhaps the best choice. I'm sure there are other options that I'm not even aware of... I'm pretty sure that when museums take molds of fossils in order to duplicate them they often use latex for the initial mold, because it picks up all the details without cracking apart upon removal. Plaster works fine for more basic types of molding.
First try to find somebody who has the seat you need and see if they're willing to help you out with the mold. Truth is, it might be worth your while to have this person take the seat to professional over HERE and have all the work done. Then the seat maker has the original to use as a guide in reproducing the seat. Any additional shipping costs you have to get a complete seat sent over MIGHT be balanced by a lower cost to have it done in the states versus over there -- at least worth checking out.
Good Luck!