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Electrosport stator issue, advice plz? 1980 GS550L

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    Electrosport stator issue, advice plz? 1980 GS550L

    Hey all, just needed some advice if at all possible... I'm working on my gs right now, and well, quick story is that i bought it from a guy that didnt have time to work on it and needed the money for a new bike, so he sold me his 1980 gs550l, needed some work, obvious charging issues and so on... the bike came with all the parts needed, i just needed to actually do the work, which was fine by me.

    I get the stator out today to swap it for an electrosport esg010 stator, and lo and behold, the one that's listed on their site, which is the exact same one that is sitting in a box here at the moment, doesnt fit! i've double and triple checked their site, just to make sure i have the proper stator and unfortunately for me, i do. Anyone have any advice? is there something i'm missing here? the screw holes dont line up, the center of the stator is a complete different size from the oem one, and quite honestly i'm drawing a blank.

    any ideas on how i should proceed? i've tried calling electrosport and they're closed for the weekend, and i kinda need to get this done before monday, so as it stands right now, i'm stuck.

    any suggestions, advice or otherwise?

    thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Guest; 11-10-2007, 04:03 PM.

    Are you SURE you have a stator issue, or could it possibly just be an issue of bad connections between the stator and the r/r?

    If you DO have the wrong stator, only exchanging it for the correct one will help.

    mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
    hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
    #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
    #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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      Hey howdy hey!

      Mr. prodigy60,

      First off I'd like to say, let it be known that on this day you are hereby cordially and formally welcomed to the GSR Forum as a Junior Member in good standing with all the rights and privileges thereof. Further, let it be known that good standing can be improved with pictures (not you, your bike)! :-D

      Look below in my sig and click on the link to my little BikeCliff website. In it you will find my stator replacement story. The stator I bought was a little different from the factory part. The factory part had only three holes in the center ring which lined up with the screw holes in the cover. The new part had 10 holes in it! It took me a few minutes to find the right three that lined up with the screw holes in the cover. And then, I thought it didn't fit either. Turns out it did fit. I just had to "persuade" it to settle down on the rim inside the cover. Feel free to read all about it. There are pictures too. Maybe it will help.

      But Mr. Steve (who is also my part-time web editor ;-) ) is right. If it is definitely the wrong part, you'll have to return it.

      Thanks for joining us. Don't forget to check out The Stator Papers, the Carb Rebuild Series, The Old Q&A section, etc. There's a ton of great information and tons of great people here.

      Thank you for your indulgence,



        thanks for the responses so far, here's what i have to go on at the moment:

        as to whether or not i have a stator issue for sure, i know the original owner reported that either the stator or the rectifier was shot, both were supplied as brand new replacements from electrosport, and i've already swapped out the rectifier, and promptly removed the side cover, snipped off the wires and went from there. suffice it to say, whether or not i had stator issues before, i do have them now. =\

        as for the whole mount hole thing, well to provide a bit more specifics, my replacement stator only has 3 mount holes, none of them line up with the ones in the stator cover, to top that off, the center mount hole has a different diameter than the oem one. rather than fitting snugly in that mount point where the original stator sits, its excessively loose and theres nothing i can do to make it fit that i would consider acceptable.

        all this aside, i've accepted that i'm screwed with the electrosport stator and that i'm not going to get this finished before monday. I'm going to have to wait till then to give them a call and see what they say, furthermore, when i drained the oil on my bike yesterday, i found that a disturbingly large portion of the contents of the oil pan was gas. ended up pulling the carbs only to find out that several of the intake boots were screwed, and well... the list goes on. i have a feeling that i bit off a bit more than i could chew.

        </goes to sulk in a corner somewhere>


          No need to go off and sulk, this forum can help you get that bike back on the road, just not by Monday, unless it is the first Monday in 2008. :-D You've got charging and fuel delivery issues, both have been discussed at length on this forum, so I'd suggest that you spend the time looking over the threads in the Garage instead of sulking, they will get you back on track.

          Why the rush to get it on the road over the weekend?


            hehe, well i'm just a bit frustrated with several things at the moment, the bike is only one factor, aside from the fact that its my primary means of transportation at the moment (or rather, its going to be). I've been doing research on the obvious issues since i bought the bike, however it seems the further i get into repairing it the more problems i find. (insert smallest violin here)

            ah well, its a learning experience for sure, and once i get it going under satisfactory conditions, i plan on turning this thing into a sweet cafe bike. though how remains to be seen... time to start digging. heh

            thx again all, hopefully once i get this thing back together i can post some pics, though right now its more in pieces than anything else and would hardly make for a noteworthy addition to anyones collection, especially my own, lol

