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broommmm brooommm bleughhhh

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    broommmm brooommm bleughhhh

    I had the same winter storage issues with the bike that I didn't run over easter. Wouldn't start easily, idle or rev under load. I had cleaned the carbs, changed some points and plugs and everything seemed fine. Rock steady idling and running fine up and down the road. I went and did the steering bearings and today took it for a long run.

    Bad move. I got around 5 miles and then it wouldn't pull at all. Broomm broommm Bleughhhhhh..... She starts and idles unevenly and revs kind of okay but nothing under load - feels like it could be running on two or fuel starvation I dunno.......... I think it feels exactly the same as last time. Off came the carbs, tank and fuel tap this afternoon, checked and cleaned everything and zero improvement. Spark on all four plugs. Timing, with me handy strobe, is spot on too.

    What else could it be ?? Condensers ?? I did swap a couple about when I problems first time around ....... it's an entirely standard gs850GN and ran fine for the 5 miles this morning.

    ..well at least it handles now though !


    Have you checked to make sure your battery is completely charged?? 8)


      It's not been charged for a couple of weeks but has plenty of grunt to spin the starter and run the lights and indicators. I can usually tell if it's a little low.

      Is the circuit on different on these early models as I once ran my later GS650 with a very low battery for a couple of weeks and it didn't have the grunt for the starter but the bike would run once started (i.e. bumped)




        Normally, after setting for a while, mine will not run or idle very well until I charge the battery ... then there's no problem. When I ride it everyday there's never been an issue. 8)


          I think I would charge the battery anyway - just to eliminate it as a potential problem. 8)


            okay. can do that.

            what else ????

            dodgy plug caps ?? (there are new plugs on there) condensers ??

            Float heights are spot on and the jets are oh so clean now !



              Do you have a fuel filter? If not, maybe some rust has gotten thru and clogged something up?


                Sounds to me like youre just running out of fuel. I would go for a ride around the block a few times with a screwdriver handy. When it starts to die and quit, turn the petcock to the off position, turn the ignition off and coast to a stop. Then remove the drain plugs in the carbs. I bet there will be no fuel in them. :-)

                Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

                I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                  running out of fuel .. that is EXACTLY what I thought when I got to where I was going yesterday. I rode back through the town with frequent stops to let it idle before opening up with no improvement. I then went up and down the road out side doing the same thing; the theory being to let the float refill on idle before goign mad.
                  I then took the carbs off and each float was full of petrol. The float settings were good ( I did them a few months back when I had muck in the carbs) and only one jet had a little muck on it.
                  I had the fuel tap off and cleaned that through and it did indeed have a little bit of sludge around it (but not in it) and I drained the tank (only a gallon or so in there anyway) and refilled.
                  Oh, I also took the opportunity to clean the airfilter.

                  Zero improvement.

                  The battery is on charge and I am going to get some condensers today




                    Have you ltried leaving the gas cap loose and taking a ride. If the gas cap vent is clogged, the engine will act as if it has no fuel. the float bowls can be full, but intake vacuum is cancelled by the vacum in the tank. Result......full carb bowls and no fuel flow.


                    Originally posted by madoc500

                    The battery is on charge and I am going to get some condensers today


                    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

                    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                      Hmmm.. Not my original post, but this could very well be one of my multitudous problems. Thanks!


                        Little firework display going on under one of the sets of points. Two new condensers went on and that was cured but I had to change those points as they were nicely burnt up.

                        However, it seemed to make no improvement. Well obviously, it must have made things better but it was submerged by the main problem.

                        It still won't idle and it still won't rev under load... in fact it has trouble getting up the little hill to the back lane and garage.

                        I tried without the fuel cap on. No difference.

                        I bought four new plug caps yesterday to put on, but I am sure that all the four plugs are firing but deal with the obvious first.


                          Whens the last time the fuel and vacuum lines were changed. Maybe one or the other is collapsing causing the fuel not to flow.


                            What you are decribing does sound like a fuel flow problem, but I would bet you have a failed condenser.

                            They don't have a measurable life expectancy....they work until they don't.

                            That could be years, but I had one die (and give your symptoms) in my wife's Toyota less than an hour after installation.....and just minutes after we got on the highway, taking her parents to dinner.

                            Fortunately, still had the old one in the trunk, so I reinstalled it at the roadside, closed the hood, started the car and continued on.....impressed my father-in-law no end. He never forgot that
                            Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


                              Make sure the condensor leads aren't touching anything but the mounting screw. If the touch the grounded backer plate, or throw an arc, your going to have trouble. Inspect those little spacers, could be the problem.

                              Dave W.

