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airbox question

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    Originally posted by NelanCustoms View Post
    its more like a rubber cover with a vent hole that cover the bigger hole on the air box
    That rubber cover is the airbox inlet snorkel. Along with 8 small holes in the bottom of the airbox, it should be the only place that air can enter the engine from. If you have air leaks anywhere else in the intake system, your engine will run very lean. These engines need a soundly sealed airbox and carb system. The air filter also needs to be in sound condition and correctly sealed. If it's foam, it needs to be lightly oiled.
    :) The road to hell is paved with good intentions......................................

    GS 850GN JE 894 10.5-1 pistons, Barnett Clutch, C-W 4-1, B-B MPD Ignition, Progressive suspension, Sport Demons. Sold
    GS 850GT JE 1023 11-1 pistons. Sold
    GS1150ES3 stock, V&H 4-1. Sold
    GS1100GD, future resto project. Sold


      how should i clean and oil my UNI filter?


        Originally posted by NelanCustoms View Post
        how should i clean and oil my UNI filter?
        Is the uni filter paper or foam. If it's paper you can blow it clean with compressed air, from from the inside and re-use it. If it's foam you need to wash it out in petrol and let it dry. Some people further wash it in a light detergent mix. After thoroughly drying it off, you can lightly oil it with filter oil, or do as I do, spray a coating of 2 stroke fuel mix onto the filter. Give it 2 good coatings and let it dry. That will last you 5000 -10,000kms of running before the next clean. The stock 2 stroke ratio leaves a fine coating of oil on the foam which allows just enough dust trapping protection without affecting the engine fuel air ratio.
        The time to your next filter cleaning really depends on how dusty your riding environment is!
        :) The road to hell is paved with good intentions......................................

        GS 850GN JE 894 10.5-1 pistons, Barnett Clutch, C-W 4-1, B-B MPD Ignition, Progressive suspension, Sport Demons. Sold
        GS 850GT JE 1023 11-1 pistons. Sold
        GS1150ES3 stock, V&H 4-1. Sold
        GS1100GD, future resto project. Sold


          i have the foam one. so i should was it in gasoline, let it dry, then what type of detergent? laundry soap is what i think of detergent


            Originally posted by NelanCustoms View Post
            i have the foam one. so i should was it in gasoline, let it dry, then what type of detergent? laundry soap is what i think of detergent
            Something on the order of Dawn dish washing Detergent. That will Degrease it, then Rinse is out very Well, let it dry, Lightly oil it and Reinstall.
            sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
            2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

            Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

            Where I've been Riding


              what oil should i use. i wanna do it right but cheap as possible. student budget


                do i still clean it with gas before dawn dishsoap?


                  No i think he was saying that you could do either or. Some people use a mild detergent on it with water, he uses gasoline.


                    after i wash it do i ring it out


                      i can pee on it maybe? what oil is cheap for this?

                      Originally posted by NelanCustoms View Post
                      what oil should i use. i wanna do it right but cheap as possible. student budget


                        No dont ring it out. You COULD pee on it, but it might smell bad for a while...heh. Filter oil. BikeBandit. Check it out. Cheapness. Might be able to find some at AutoZone or somesuchtripe.


                          forget, i have a huge suzuki dealership on the corner of my street. 7.50 for the filter oil spray


                            Originally posted by NelanCustoms View Post
                            do i still clean it with gas before dawn dishsoap?
                            High as Gas is getting, I sure ain't waisting it as Cleaning Fluid!:shock::-D
                            sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
                            2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

                            Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

                            Where I've been Riding


                              how much dish soap should i use to clean it? how much filter oil?


                                Go to autozone and buy a little bottle of two stroke oil. Its like 50 cents. Put it in a spray bottle and give you filter two LIGHT coats. Just enough to leave a thin film. And when cleaning it use as much soap as you want to clean it. It shouldn't matter. BUT gas is a prefered cleaner. You can even use old gas if you have any lying around....

