Looking forward to that fork seal/progressive spring replacement tutorial Mr. BassCliff! I already thanked you in the other thread but you deserve another. Thank you for YOUR indulgence. Lord knows these old UJMs need it :-D
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Secondary gear oil replacement-A Pictoral Guide
Originally posted by Roostabunny View Post
Looking forward to that fork seal/progressive spring replacement tutorial Mr. BassCliff! I already thanked you in the other thread but you deserve another. Thank you for YOUR indulgence. Lord knows these old UJMs need it :-D
More great info!
Originally posted by tomcat24551 View PostIn May, 1979 Suzuki produced a Technical Service Bulletin detailing instructions for filling the GS 850's final drive with Hypoid lube. The instructions were to fill the Final Drive with the smallest of the specified quantities of lube--in this case, 280ml/9.5 US Oz. Then ride the bike for a few minutes to stabilize the oil level. Then check the level again, "making sure the fluid level is up to the bottom (italics, mine!) of the threaded filler cap hole".
And thanks again to you too, Mr. Ironriot, for your kind accolades.
Thank you for your indulgence,
Thank you gentlemen. The latest edit to the "Final Drive Gear Oil Change" PDF file has been uploaded with all of the helpful information and suggestions from Mr. bwringer, Mr. lurch12_2000, Mr. Steve and Mr. tomcat24551. I appreciate the help.
Thank you for your indulgence,
Mr BassCliff,
Excellent job! This forum is becoming a gold mine of valuable information and your contributions are spot on.
Yes, sometimes what an experienced mechanic may see as run of the mill and would never take the time on documenting, may not always be easy for us do-it-yourself'rs and a well compiled user friendly tutorial is always welcome. I even started writing tutorials for myself - you know us "older" bikers tend to find that the old recall does not operate as well as before!
Just a question - did you find the old gear oil in the gearbox to be foamy or not when draining? Mine was, but the final drive was normal like same as new oil.
Keep those howtos coming!
Originally posted by Matchless View PostJust a question - did you find the old gear oil in the gearbox to be foamy or not when draining? Mine was, but the final drive was normal like same as new oil.
I found the bevel gear oil to be black as in well worn, but not foamy. I had topped off the bevel gear oil when I bought the bike in March '07 (it seemed really low), but this was the first time I'd changed it. The final drive oil looked pretty good, only slightly discolored (this was the second time I'd changed it).
And thank you for the kind accolades. I'm glad to be of service.
Thank you for your indulgence,
Mr BassCliff,
Uh-oh I better check it again. When I drained it about 2 months ago it was white-foamy and I first thought it may have had some water mixed with it, but could not find any possible entry for water, no leaks and the breather pipe is still intact, but quite rigid. I then changed the oil and thought that maybe that was normal as I had just ridden it and it was hot and maybe churned up a lot.
Thanks for the feedback.
Originally posted by BassCliff View PostI do have a pair of Progressive fork springs that I need to install. When I get around to replacing the springs/seals I certainly will document the procedure. Thanks for the suggestion. :-D
Once I get my engine issues sorted with these somewhat expensive parts like fuel petcocks and airbox boots (expensive compared to Robert Barr's o-rings, that is) I'll hopefully have a couple of part-purchase-free months to save up for some Progressives.
As long as you keep owning the same bike and reading my mind, the refurbishing process should go pretty smooth. :-D
Originally posted by bwringer View PostHmm... sure enough, the oil separators don't appear on the GS650 fiche.
They do show up on the GS850 fiche, though:
So, does anyone know whether the GS650 is supposed to have these or not? Or should this mystery become a new topic?
Thanks again for a nice guide.
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