First of all, I want to say I have searched the existing threads to try and solve my problem, but I can't seem to find a fix. Y'all have brought me a long way on my journey to get my 1981 Suzuki GS550T road worthy and I do really appreciate that. I just have replaced the front and rear sprockets and installed a new chain. Replaced the tires too since I wasn't planning on taking it apart again any time soon. Anyway, last night I had a friend come over and help me torque down the front sprocket. No problem. However, now my clutch will not disengage. The rear wheel will spin freely while on the center stand and it is in neutral. However, when I put it in gear, the rear wheel will not turn while pulling in the clutch lever. And I mean it's locked. It will move a few inches back and forth, but it stops dead still at those points while in gear. So I read my Clymer manual and did all the adjustments it said. Still no change. I adjusted it to where there was no play in the cable whatsoever to a little bit of slack and still no change. The clutch rod is stiff and I have plenty of resistence as the lever is fairly hard to pull back (as it should be), but it just acts like it is not doing anything. Before I took it apart, my clutch and lever worked fine and shifting was fine. No problems at all. I've taken it apart so many times now, I can do it in my sleep. I really don't think there is anything wrong with my clutch, but I've adjusted it every which way I know to do it. I'm really baffled and don't know what else to do. There's only so much adjusting you can do at the three points (clutch lever, top of sprocket cover, and inside clutch adjustment cover). I really don't want to pay someone to do something that shouldn't be that hard to do. Any ideas?