I ordered a new Electrosport regulator but did a little research into the electronics operation before doing that. While I do have a MS degree in Electrical Engineering, power electronics is not my specialty but some things jump out at me immediately about the charging design. It is way too simple!!!
Overall the combination of the permanent magnet stator with simple SCR shunt regulator will work but are suseptiable to upsets in load or bad connection issues. If it fails then you are likely to fry everything else on your bike with uncontrolled overvoltage conditions. The other main problem I see is that the simple generator can not be controlled because it is permanent magnet. If there was a field winding then the electromagnet could be controlled to reduce the generator output when not needed.
Since the generator output can't be controlled the voltage is basically proportional to the RPM and has to go somewhere. The SCR shunt regulator is a pretty scary way of controlling the output.
Without going into details I decided to at least upgrade the regulator which should eliminate a lot of the potential problems. The original linear regulator design is about as simple as you can make it and is probably way to simple for the real world.
I hope that the Electrosport is better designed although it might be asking to much to have a more advanced switching regulator.
Below are some links I found to describe the the three phase generator and the difference between Delta and Wye configurations. In "3 Phase Basics", formulas are provided and also shows that the Delta produces power in higher current but lower voltage that the Delta. I know these two different configurations were discussed in the Stator tutorial comments.
