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Aftermarket intake pipes??
Aftermarket intake pipes??
Have read almost every post in the last few days while the sight was down and couldn't wait to pose this question to all of you. Does anyone know where I might obtain aftermarket intake pipes for the carbs? It seems that Suzuki has the only ones I can find @$26.00 each. Hate to sound cheap but, I amAlso looking for 1 main jet washer, just the washer as mine seems to have grown legs. This is for a 1981 GS850G. Thanks for any leads that you may think of. Bob in VT.
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That is a good question and here is a good answer.You are very lucky I only got this link recently, so try[url]http://www.cyclewearables.com/pages/carb%20boot-insulatots/carbintakehold.htmhttps://and for the washer try <a hr...a><br /> Dink
Re:Aftermarket intake pipes???
Thanks Dink. The spelling for the URL is off a little. www.cyclewareables.com No Suzuki boots that I could find. If I only had a Ninja....or a FZ....
For everybody's knowledge, I spoke to Hatch at cyclewareables. He looked through his books and said that if he didn't have it listed anywhere, nobody is making them aftermarket. It figures :x He does have a good selection of stuff on this sight including the ability to search by part name and OEM#.
Jay B
Carb Boots
I talked to my local parts man today and he said if it isn't availible by an aftermarket company thats because Suzuki is still making them.