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Device for speed warning.

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    Device for speed warning.

    There was a new law recently enacted in Ontario which is going to be very troublesome for a lot of riders and drivers. It is aimed at street racers and stunters but is catching lots of "normal" folks with a lead foot or twisty wrist. Essentially, anyone running 50Km p h over the posted limit is considered a racer and will have licence revoked on the spot for 7 days, vehicle impounded and be subject to a $2000 minimum fine and 3 demerit points. Anyone rapidly moving in and out of traffic....same. Motorcyclists pulling wheelies or stopies marked as stunters. One of our local M/c magazines also warned that meerly standing on the pegs of your bike can be considered stunting so don't try and alleviate the numbness in your fanny by standing up while moving ( I only do it at stops).

    As going 50Kmph over is only 30mph it is easy to do. Last weekend while out for the first time in months I found myslf twisting the wick and in no time running about 130kmph in a posted 60kmph zone. Very very easy to do.

    So in order not to find myself in a world of grief come riding season ( can you imagine what insurance will do if you get busted for this?)is there some device I can install to give me a warning when I'm being flashing lights or bells and whistles?

    I'm really quite serious as I have heard of a few normal folks busted already. Its easy to keep checks with cruise control in the cage but on the bike..not so easy.

    I was thinking a GPS unit might work but wondered if there were anything less expensive..maybe a bicycle speedo?

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Cheers all,
    Last edited by Guest; 01-19-2008, 04:13 PM.


    Have a favorite rev range, and when you see a speed limit, shift to the gear that puts you in it.

    Your main indication of speed is noise. Use the gearbox to raise the noise level till your speed is more or less legal.

    Just a thought.


      A GPS will display your speed, but it won't give you any more warning than your current speedo already does.

      You want a limiting device? Quite simple, really. Reach under the tank, pull the plug wires for #2 and #3. If you leave them close the the plugs, they will look stock to the casual observer, and you won't ever have to worry about getting close to 130 kph again. :-\"

      mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
      hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
      #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
      #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
      Family Portrait
      Siblings and Spouses
      Mom's first ride
      Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
      (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


        Originally posted by spyug View Post
        is there some device I can install to give me a warning when I'm being flashing lights or bells and whistles?
        You don't need any of that stuff cause the Officer pulling you over already has them.
        1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
        1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
        1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
        1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
        01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


          Originally posted by spyug View Post
          Essentially, anyone running 50Km p h over the posted limit is considered a racer and will have licence revoked on the spot for 7 days, vehicle impounded and be subject to a $2000 minimum fine and 3 demerit points.
          OK ... no problem with that.

          Originally posted by spyug View Post
          Anyone rapidly moving in and out of traffic....same.
          Or that.

          Originally posted by spyug View Post
          Motorcyclists pulling wheelies or stopies marked as stunters.
          Or this.

          Originally posted by spyug View Post
          One of our local M/c magazines also warned that meerly standing on the pegs of your bike can be considered stunting so don't try and alleviate the numbness in your fanny by standing up while moving ( I only do it at stops).
          The only time I've ever been on my pegs while riding is to provide some shock-absorption going over an obstruction. I don't really see the need to stand on them while driving.

          Originally posted by spyug View Post
          Anyone have any ideas?
          Yeah ... don't drive like a douche and you'll be fine.

          Seriously, when I'm in my car and see riders doing stupid stuff (wheelies on crowded roads, standing on their seat, lane splitting, etc), I get this inkling to "teach them a lesson". I never follow it, of course, but it would be all too easy to do a quick lane change just as that lane-splitting smart-ass is about to overtake me at twice my speed. And this is coming from a "fellow" rider ... I can't imagine what cager-only drivers are thinking.


            I'm sorry, standing on the pegs is the most stable position for hitting stuff, basic riding technique. Ever see a motocrosser sit down through the woopties?
            It doesn't ****ing work.
            What morons, I will be avoiding riding there because that sucks.

            Life is too short to ride an L.



              I've stood on my pegs a bunch of times for various reasons; especially if it's kind of chilly and I've got a cramp in my leg (which, I'm sorry to say, happens to people of my age).8-[
              1980 GS1100E....Number 15!


                I'm kind of surprised that a lot of you guys haven't picked up on what's going on here.

                I agree wholeheartedly that idiot drivers and riders including people racing and stunting on the streets need to be taken off the road and severly penalized but by the courts not by individual police officers who are as fallable as the rest of us. In our so called democracies are we not entitled to due process of law and are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty?

                If you don't think this is a major problem that can seriously affect anyone let me relate a recent incident that was told to me today.

                An acquaintance of mine who is the owner of a vehicle insurance company and founder of a major insurer in Ontario (Grey Power) just after Christmas was riding as a passenger in a vehicle on one of our 400 series 3 lane highways .

                The section they were traveling on was rated at 100kmph. They had just passed a slower vehicle in the center lane by moving into the fast lane and sped up to 130 kmph and were about to pull in front of the slower vehicle in the center lane. Once back in the lane they dropped speed to 110kmph which is the norm for traffic flow on tha section.

                Several minutes later they were pulled over by our OPP (Provincial Police). The officer, after checking licence and registration, proceded to tell the driver he had exceeded the 50 over speed restriction and had made unsafe lane changes. The driver did admit that he had sped up momentarily to pass a slower driver but he had not gone any faster than 130 kmph.When asked if they could see the radar, the officer stated he had not apprehended him on radar but he was a patrol officer of 25+ years experience and "he knew a speeder when he saw one", end of story. He issued the ticket, had all 4 people (2 males and their wives) removed from the vehicle and it impounded along with the driver's licence. They were about 200km from home at that time and had to take a taxi all the way home at a substantial cost.

                I know this is anecdotal information but I do know the passenger and believe his statement. As an insurance professional he knows the potential ramifications of this incident and it scares him. Not only was the driver and his passengers inconvenienced by having their journey interupted but where put in an unsafe situation waiting on the side of a major highway for a taxi. The driver also lost the ability to drive for a week and had to pay towing and storage charges to get his vehicle back. In addition he now has to hire a lawyer to fight this in court and hope that it will not impact his licence and insurance in the future.

                Now I'm pretty certain if a law like this was enacted in any of the United States or any other country bloody blue murder would ensue and it would be stricken in double quick time. What I can't understand is why we here put up with this high handed trampling of basic human rights and no I'm not a bleeding heart liberal....far from it but this is a slippery slope people.

                Just a bit more to think about.



                  In Queensland, we have had the 40kph over the limit, full loss of licence for 12months and nearly $1000 fine for about 3 years. About nine months ago the govt in their wisdom brought in if your feet aren't on the ridres pegs then 3 points and $100 same if you are not on the riders seat and also a fine and points if your hands are not on the bars. At least in here in Queensland there is a breathing space in regards to the speed, wont touch you if you are less than 10% over. In Victoria it is 3kph and over. At the end of the day you learn to live with it, cant be radars or speed cameras everywhere.


                    in the us i've always been told 21 over is a felony, here in Fl 3 lane changes without a turn signal is street racing. their are some odd laws but some good too though so i guess our options are take the good with the bad or get off the road.


                      State laws

                      One thing is for certain: In the U.S., traffic laws vary a great deal between different states. I'm sure there are many in Washington that would like to see federal driving statutes....but it hasn't happened yet and hopefully won't in our lifetimes.
                      1980 GS1100E....Number 15!


                        It would violate States rights. Every state retains rights to set its own laws. However, if there is a law that the Federal government WANTS implimented in a state that has not complied, it will lean on it using funding as a leverage device.

                        For instance. Louisiana for years refused to raise their minimum drinking age from 18 to 21. They made too much money from all the 18 yr olds coming in (mostly for Mardi Gras) every year to do it. They told the Feds no. They had the right to set their drinking age. So the Feds in turn, stopped annual road/highway repair funding. LA said screw it, and continued with their ways untill they notice a spike in the number of people moving OUT of the state, citing the crappy road conditions as being a large part of this reason. They shortly complied.

