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What is sea foam?

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    What is sea foam?

    Good afternoon group. I've read in a couple threads about using sea foam (but not specifics). What is Sea Foam? I replaced my o rings on my intake boots and reattached my carbs. I'll reattach the airbox and put the gas tank back on. I probably should use sea foam (from what I've read) but I don't know anything about it. Buckeye Chuck (Ohio's ground hog) predicted an early spring so I want to be ready to ride.


    One of two products for cleaning out carbs and removing intake valve deposits that I have heard actually work. It has a sterling reputation with most anyone who has used it.

    BTW, the other product is Chevron Techron fuel treatment. A trusted aquaintance used it with excellent results as well.



      Second the glowing report on Seafoam. Use it in all my vehicles. Best there is!


        Times three!!!!! :-D All my small stuff and toys gets treated to it at least twice a year and I've never had carb problems that have been related to crud build up.


          I fourth the endorsement. It is really fine stuff. I run it all year round. A couple of caps full in a tank. In addition to a carb and valve cleaner it is a fuel stabilizer and can be used in the tranny oil as a cleaner. You should see the crap that comes out with the old oil after 100 miles or so.

          It is the first thing I put into a new(to me) bike. Try about half a can in a tank if your carbs are not running right. It might take a couple of treatments but you should note some significant improvements.

          You can't over use it as it is petroleum based.

          Let us know how it works for you.



            sea foam is great stuff, can put it in everything. (crankcase so it says on the bottle) used it when i was cleaning carbs, and cleaned the varnish off really well!

            I am from n.e. ohio too.. what area you from? I am Geauga county!


              5th .. helped my bike.

              Use once every few tanks ..


              Originally posted by spyug View Post
              I fourth the endorsement. It is really fine stuff. I run it all year round. A couple of caps full in a tank. In addition to a carb and valve cleaner it is a fuel stabilizer and can be used in the tranny oil as a cleaner. You should see the crap that comes out with the old oil after 100 miles or so.

              It is the first thing I put into a new(to me) bike. Try about half a can in a tank if your carbs are not running right. It might take a couple of treatments but you should note some significant improvements.

              You can't over use it as it is petroleum based.

              Let us know how it works for you.



                I was gonna take a fifth, but Mike beat me to it. :???:

                I will agree with most of the stuff stated above, but have to be careful with this one:
                Originally posted by spyug View Post
                You can't over use it as it is petroleum based.
                While it probably does not do any damage, it will smoke for a bit, and that smoke smells terrible.

                I used to use Sta-Bil in the tanks for winter storage (or summer storage for the snowblower) with no problems, but that is only a stabilizer. I now use Seafoam for storage and for occasional cleanings throughout the operating season.

                Last edited by Steve; 02-08-2008, 04:04 PM.
                mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                Family Portrait
                Siblings and Spouses
                Mom's first ride
                Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                  Thanks everyone! I'm psyched! I can't wait to get the tank on, get sea foam into the tank, and get the bike running.

                  Kbecker3, I'm in Stow. Some nice winding roads in your neck of the woods.



                    Oh, do most automotive supply stores carry it or will I have to go strictly to a bike shop? I can't believe I've never seen or heard of it before joining this site. I always used Sta-bil for winter storage.



                      Mark M, I should have checked your link before I asked the last question. I saw where it listed places to purchase it. Thank you.



                        I prefer Sta-bil for storage, but Seafoam will do. I use Seafoam as a carb cleaner added to the gas 2-3 times a year. If used in a high enough concentration (about 25-30%) it will smoke like a chimney, and really stink. I've used it that way to clean out the carbs on a GoldWing that were really gummed up.

                        I'm located in Wickliffe. Ride out around Burton all the time, weather permitting. Like to stop at the coffee shop just north of the square.
                        1982 GS1100EZ (awaiting resurrection)
                        1992 Concours
                        2001 GS500 (Dad's old bike)
                        2007 FJR


                          Got off from work early today so I stopped at the gas station to get my daily fix of junk food and I ran into my friendly neighborhood AutoZone lady. She said they carried Sea Foam so that was my next stop. I'm home now with my chips and Sea Foam (not to be consumed together of course). I'm ready to go, all I have to do is read the directions for use. Thanks group.

                          jpaul, glad to see there is another GS owner in the area.


                            Sea Foam works wonders!

                            Mr. slowride,

                            I love Sea Foam! It has cured my baldness, made me lose weight, made a certain part of my anatomy bigger, replenished the ozone layer, reduced global warming, and made me more attractive to the opposite sex. It's a miracle!

                            Your mileage may vary. :-D

                            Read the directions but I usually dump a half bottle into a full tank, or dump a half bottle in and then go fill up. It works best if you can go for a nice long ride after that, using most of the tank. (That's what I tell Mrs. BassCliff anyway.)

                            Thank you for your indulgence,

                            Last edited by Guest; 02-08-2008, 05:53 PM.


                              Works good on boats, so it must be good for bikes!

