If it's set to "on" or "res", it flows enough for sustained freeway speeds if there's a decent amount of gas in the tank, but does not flow enough for 75mph up a 3 mile 7% grade - it'll start sputtering and then die about halfway up.
If it's set to "prime" and the tank is close to full, it seems to flow fine for just about anything. It'll do the 3 mile 7% grade at whatever speed I want to without starving for gas. However, when it starts to get low on gas (meaning around when I'd have to switch to reserve - a bit more than 2.5 gallons down from full, I have a CA bike with a 2.8+1 gallon tank), it'll start starving for fuel at normal freeway speeds. Not by much, but it certainly won't be running quite right.
I haven't yet taken it apart in order to see if there's a bunch of gunk in the petcock or anything, but would like to know if my odds of being able to fix it are decent. I remember reading here that the rebuild kits aren't particularly good...
I'd be happy to have a 100% manual petcock, with on/res/off, if it means that it flows enough. I'd really prefer not spending a bunch of money for one, though.
And yes, I have confirmed that fuel starvation is indeed the issue - I don't have the side panels on and have a clear fuel line, if I look in and it's less gas than air I think that's a pretty good indication that it's not flowing enough. I don't have a filter or anything that would restrict the flow, either.
Any suggestions?
edit: oh, this is on an '85 GS700. I put a fresh vacuum line on to see if that was the problem, it didn't fix it though. The petcock doesn't flow at all when there is no vacuum, if that means anything - in other words, the off with no vacuum part is working fine, just not the on with vacuum part.