When we picked the bike up it ran very well. Within a week the carbs began spilling gas. I tapped them with a screw driver and the gas problem ceased, the only way to start the bike was by using the choke. Before the carb spilling the gas problem the bike started without the choke pulled just fine. The bike began harder and harder to start and my wife decided she didn't want to ride it anymore, especially after it died on her going to work one day. I am not sure as to the details of this, she just called me and told me it died. I got off of work later that night, walked down to the bike, started it and rode it home. The bike had a little hesitation in the motor at this point. I let it "rest" and took it out the next day to hear it and ride it during the day. It started the same, rough and only with hte choke lever pulled. I rode it for about a half hour and it started sputtering. I walked/rode it home and found the front left corner of the cam cover was leaking oil.
I ordered the gasket for the cam cover and while waiting for the part to come I decided I would clean the carbs as well. I took the carbs off and cleaned them out; following a description I found on another motorcycle site. When the parts came I put everything back together and now the bike will not start at all.
I know one thing fore sure is the battery is dead. So I hooked the bike directly to a car battery, pulled the choke up and pushed the started button. The starter motor and everything electrical seems to be working great, no problems that I can tell here. The problem needs to be the spark plug, fuel system or air.vacuum. This is where I am confused. I am not sure where to begin or where to end with this one. I have been reading a lot of forums on here and have some good ideas on what I want to try, but I figured I would ask first and see if anyone has any ideas.
So does anyone have any ideas? I would like to get this bike running by summer for my wife. I want it to be reliable and want to spend as little money as possible.
I would like to buy a carb rebuild kit, new o-rings for the intake boots and a fuel petcock to begin with. Any other ideas/suggestions before I start?
Thanks in advance, sorry about the length of the post.