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Marvel Mystery

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    Marvel Mystery

    OK what do you guys think of Marvel Mystery Oil? I am working on getting a Gs 1100 gl started after +/- 5 years of sitting (atleast 6 mos outside in the weather) I am thinking of mixing some of this in the first go around and dropping a bit on the cylinders(through spark plug holes) prior to starting.. Any experimentors out there? Any other Ideas?

    I got introduced to Marvel Mystery Oil about 40 yrs ago. I've used it for all kinds of engine related stuff and have never been disappointed nor heard a bad word about it. Bottom line is, IMHO, it can't hurt.


      take the plugs out fill the cylinder up and let them sit overnite with the mystery oil before you try to turn it over. Then when you get the bike to the running stage make sure you change the oil again


        thanks yall.. I me awaiting the arrival of another gs1100 just llike the one I have to se if its any better than this one before this attemp(although at some point I will have both running) I have gotten the carbs cleaned pretty good and my tank will be ready within a few days..Besides the wife has bet me that I wont have either running within 30 days of the twins arrival...I dont like to lose!!!! :twisted:


          If any of that stuff (it's pretty thin) leaked down into your crankcase would it bother the clutch plates? I use it in cars and it's fine, but I haven't let it near my bike as yet. I love the smell of that stuff, kinda like birch beer.


            I have used Redex before, sounds like something similar. It seems to clean up the cylinders and coke build up.


              I've added it to my fuel a couple of times a season. It's supposed to keep the top end and carb parts lubed. The Gold Wing guys swear by it as a fuel additive. Never heard a bad word about it. Whether it actually does anything..well...that's a mystery.


                Originally posted by Gary McLellan
                I've added it to my fuel a couple of times a season. It's supposed to keep the top end and carb parts lubed. The Gold Wing guys swear by it as a fuel additive. Never heard a bad word about it. Whether it actually does anything..well...that's a mystery.
                I would not hesitate to use it as an upper lube. I believe that marvel mystry oil is not such a mystery but just thin high detergent oil/AKA/ automatic transmission fluid. I would be carefull about it getting too much loose in the area of the rings.


                  I like the old timey graphics on the can! I've used it in fuel; it will dilute the octane rating somewhat so you might want to step up a grade when using the MMO. Does it work? Dunno! Never hurt anything tho.


                    Starting after sitting for years

                    Here are some good steps to follow when starting any engine after it has been sitting for a long period of time.

                    1. Change oil and filter.
                    2. Pull spark plugs and drop in some lube ( Marvel Mystery, WD40, etc...). and let it sit overnight.
                    3. Turn engine over a few times without the plugs in.
                    4 Drop a little more lube in the cylinders. Let sit overnight
                    5.Turn engin over again without spark plugs.
                    6. Put plugs back in and fire it up. It will smoke a lot from all the lube in the cylinders. The lube may also foul the plugs, so you might have to remove and clean until it fires.
                    6. After you get it running and the smoke has burned off change the oil and filter again.

                    This is one of the best methods I have heard of for starting a dormant engine.

                    Also, don't forget to flush the brake fluid and replace with fresh fluid.


                      MMO is mostly kerosene with some detergent additives, and red colouring added. :twisted:


                        Re: Starting after sitting for years

                        Originally posted by dallyspot
                        2. Pull spark plugs and drop in some lube ( Marvel Mystery, WD40, etc...). and let it sit overnight.
                        How much are we talking about dropping in? My bike has been dormant for about a year and half.


                          Quick story about Marvel Mystery Oil:

                          I had a boat with inboard/outboard engines. While out on the bay, I attempted to restart the starboard engine. It would not turn over. The starter tried to spin, but the motor seemed locked-up. Confused, I motored on back on one engine, and left the boat in dry-storage, and went home. I assumed that the starter was bad. It sat for a week.

                          During the week, I asked a boat mechanic what could be wrong and he suggested that the riser on the exhaust had failed, filling the motor with salt water 8O

                          That weekend, I removed the sparkplugs and sure enough, the cylinders were full of saltwater. I vacumed out the water and poured in Marvel Mystery oil. I filled the cylinders completely, and poured the stuff down the intake manifold. I then reinstalled the sparkplugs. I was sure the engine was junk.

                          I came back a week later, pulled the sparkplugs, and was able to crank the engine over I replaced the riser, drained the crankcase, put in new sparkplugs and fired the engine right up. It smoked a little at first, but after 5 minutes of running, was fine. I never had any more trouble with the engine.

                          I am a believer.



                            So I went down to the Motorcycle shop today and asked about MMO and that vet couldn't stop talking about what a great product it was .

                            Anyways I still want to know how much to put down the plugs for the 2 year restart.

                            Somebody please?



                              i just dumped a buch of kero in the block and mmo in the head.. a lot at that figuer it cant hurt the damn thing isnt running yet anyway just foun that someone stole the starter

