Here are the facts.
This is a Gs 1980 450 l series. This bike was running last year. The owner I bought it from told me all it needed was a throttle cable. He told me when it did run, it would not give him rpms or accleration. He thought this might be due to a bad voltage regulator he called it a cvi?. I know the bike has been sitting out in the winter this last year. (I drove by this bike and saw it sitting in the snow, as I went back and forth to work.) I brought it home tonight, to my house and proceeded to find out what it would need to get running. I put in a good battery, checked the fuse, made sure all of the contacts where in place and holding solidily. I could not get any electrics to work at all. I thought maybe it was a bad switch so I took a look it. No luck. I am going to be getting a manual on ebay if I am the high bidder. This bike is in fantastic shape as far as the chrome and after market accessories are concerned. I was wonderng if any of you users would know of any things that might make the bike not indicate that it is receiving any electrical current. The lights and the signals should work unless the switch is bad. If you have any ideas what else could cause it not to receive any juice, then please feel free to offer your advise. I have only been used to points on my gs 550. So if electronic ignitions need better attention, then I beleive I am in the right area to learn from this group.
btw is there a device I can purchase that would be alot easier to measure or indicate if a certain wire is getting juice, than a volt meter?