1) For all the pieces that I cannot soak in the carb dip, how do you guys clean them? See pic below for some of them. I'm talking about the float, vent "T", fuel inlet "T", throttle valve (slide), CV boot", etc. Basically, anything with plastic or rubber on it.
2) For the metal pieces that I can't fit in the Berryman's, how did you clean them? For example, the "gang" plates, choke actuation rail, idle adjustment piece.
3) See pic of fuel inlet needle valve seat assembly below. Now it has a rubber ring on it, a plastic ring and a small screen. How do you clean this one? Does the plastic screen and ring come off? If so, how do you get it off? I'm not sure right now if my o-ring kit has a new one of these either. Gotta check.
4) Pilot jet - all was going well taking apart carb #1 until I got to the pilot jet. It doesn't help that you can't see down in there very well either. I could not even find the driver slot in the top of the jet for my screwdriver. Looking with my flashlight, it looked to be all boogered up by someone else. At least, that's what I'm claiming! I know y'all are going to cringe at this, but I had to take my smallest drill bit and carefully put a small hole in the end and use my smallest bolt extractor to get it out. Now even though I have 4 sets of aftermarket rebuild kits, I intended to use the original parts as I've read these kits are not as good. So can I get another Mikuni pilot jet or am I stuck using my replacement part?
I really do appreciate any help you can provide!
After some choice words and about an hour, I got them out!

On the operating table...

Carb #1 broken down...

Fuel inlet needle valve seat assembly...
