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Carbs And Valves 1100g
Carbs And Valves 1100g
i am getting ready to tear into a set of carbs i just removed from a veryneglected question is shouldnt I be able to manually open the butterfly with the throttle linkage?? also what would cause a white powdery residue to be present on one o the carbs???Tags: None
Carbs and valves
OK I got the carbs off there is some whit residue going throug the carb into the head....
ok I think i have figured out the white stuff...Chemical reaction between water and what ever else was in there while it sat outside...
Looked in the head lots and lots of water in the first cylinder(looking from rear) "rusty looking valves in the second, 3+4 look real good as do the carbs that go with..
So now what.. I am gonna start to hit them w/ carb cleaner see how that does..Anyone with better Ideas let me know !!!!!!! thanks
ok it sems to be getting worse.. I pulled the starter cover as well to see how it looked... well, thats gone...yup someone took it..and boy what a mess in I decided to look at under the stator cover, man If i didnt know better I d think this thing blew a head gasket!!!! intermix like you wouldnt believe.. My next question is are the electronics here salvageable? Or am I looking to visit electrex????If so what would I be in need of? I have never seen this kind of mess in a motorcycle so I am ata loss for my own answers.. Can someone help???
It sounds like you may need to do ring job if there is water in the cylinder??? Remove the plugs put it in gear and try to turn it with the rear wheel. The starter??/stator is missing?? Try ebay or Electrolux for one. Then run a compression test if the motor will turn over. The electronics can be tested after the bike is running
bybowtie, I've got the factory service manuel for the 83/84 GS1100 with the supplements for the G, GK, GKD. If you need any info from it I can scan and email them to you.
I beleive the stator is oil cooled so that may be why your seeing the mix in there also.
The starter can usually be found on ebay I know that the one off of the GS850, 1000, 1100 and 1150 are usually about the same, main difference being that the one for the 1100GK that I have was a four brush starter and some of the others are 2 brush, but they will still work. When I see one on ebay that I know will work that has a good picture I'll post a link so you can kind of see what it looks like. I messed up and bought one for a gsxr1100 and it is shorter and smaller gear then the older onesso I'll try to make sure it is one that fits before I post a link to it.
My bike is a 1982 1100G. I found the 1982 Suzuki service manual on e-bay last year. If you want me to scan a few pages feel free to ask.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 19427
- Toronto, Canada
Small point to put in here......after you get the water out, do NOT try to turn the engine over until it has been lubricated as best as is possible.
Pull all the plugs and pour a small amount of penetrating oil in each cylinder and let it sit for a few hours or more to loosen the rust, then add a couple of ounces of light oil to each cylinder, and let it sit at least overnight.
Leave the plugs out and, with the bike in gear, use the rear wheel to turn the engine over.
Obviously, you must drain the old, contaminated, oil before trying to start it.
When refilled with fresh oil, you probably should run the engine until warm, and with no load, then dump the oil, and replace the filter.
It may not be a bad idea to add a flush agent to the new oil you will be dumping, but I have never done this.....other opinions?A take-away:
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 19427
- Toronto, Canada
Small point to put in here......after you get the water out, do NOT try to turn the engine over until it has been lubricated as best as is possible.
Pull all the plugs and pour a small amount of penetrating oil in each cylinder and let it sit for a few hours or more to loosen the rust, then add a couple of ounces of light oil to each cylinder, and let it sit at least overnight.
Leave the plugs out and, with the bike in gear, use the rear wheel to turn the engine over.
Obviously, you must drain the old, contaminated, oil before trying to start it.
When refilled with fresh oil, you probably should run the engine until warm, and with no load, then dump the oil, and replace the filter.
It may not be a bad idea to add a flush agent to the new oil you will be dumping, but I have never done this.....other opinions?A take-away:
A good flush will do good in this case. Usually I would not bother, but water is a pest to get rid of in terms of the residue in the motor