I have poured all kinds of money into this. Now after having the carbs professionally rebuilt, new carb rubbers, rebuilt petcock, oil filter, two oil changes, I replaced the stator, regulator/rectifier, new gauges, new handlebars, put in new clutch springs and scrubbed plates, new clutch cable, new battery, plugs, adjusted the valves, and probably some other time consuming things that I have left out. I have approximately $1900 into this bike and a Lot of time.
Now.. I have been about 400 miles with no problems.
Then.. The **** goes down and I notice it starting to get a little weak at midrange rpm. Then it starts knocking more and more on the way home and by the time I make it back (30 miles) its terribly weak and barely cripples home. There is a loud knock i believe in cylinder two because it gets hot the fastest.
I guess my question is what to do next? I am terribly disappointed, should I try to find a junkyard gs750 motor and hope its good and just put my fresh carbs on that motor? Or do i do some kind of leakdown compression test and how? Or do i roll it into a pond with it tied to my legs? Or do I try to rebuild the current motor and what steps should I begin to take?
Sorry to be so down,
This is tough for me since it is my first bike and I have put so much dedication and what very little extra money I have into it.