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Petcock problem?

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    Petcock problem?

    My brother has an 83 GS 110 ES . It's a great bike except for a few small issues. The biggie is the petcock which leaks gas in the on position. I thought it maybe simplest would be to just go to a regular style petcock
    (off on res)I just wondered if any one had done this before, what bike did they get the petcock off of, are there any mods needed etc.etc.etc. What are your thoughts on this . your help is greatly appreciated. Cheers Steve

    The diaphram either has a hole in it or there is a rod that pushes on the diaphram that needs adjusting. On the right side of the diaphram is a spring to return the diaphram to a position to shut down fuel flow when no vacuum is applied. On the left side is a rod with about a half loop of spring built into it. That rod is moved by the lever so the prime position allows fuel to flow. You can vary the length of that rod to get the petcock working properly again. When you take the petcock apart be careful and pull the guts straight out or you'll mangle that rod. You'll know you have it adjusted right if when there is no vacuum fuel doesn't flow. Attach a piece of vacuum line to the vacuum fitting on the petcock and suck on it. Fuel should flow with vacuum applied. It should also flow with the petcock lever in prime position.


      For replacement of a different kind Try Pingle fuel valve and the required adapter aprox cost $100.


        Hi, I own the 83 GS1100ES with the petcock problem. Thanks Bill for the info on adjusting the rod, though I decided to rebuild the petcock, as the diaphram looked iffy (stiff and discoloured). The kit came with a new diaphram,rod and O-ring,and was quite reasonable ($36.00 CDN) and worked great, no more fuel leaks!

