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OK I know its not a GS

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    OK I know its not a GS

    Last year(summer) I picked up a Twinstar (Cm200 honda) From a Friend for the princly sum of a free chipper.... Anyways he had just rebuilt the carb an hour before I picked It up... It ran great..I must say first that it hadnt been on too much of a long trip 2-3 miles at the most.. (after I adjusted the carb that is) .. It sat most of the winter I did some work on It (paint,
    coil packs oil chain lube that kind of stuff) Well My wife( the one who I got it for I know what a guy.. I am looking for a Sporty Gs that will fit her) she took it to work the other day.. It was nice warm afternoon, she got to the PD (shes a policeofficer) called to let me know it was ok that the bike did good for its first long trip.....The pd is approx 55 60 mi from the house.. That night she rode home ( it was quite cold, colder than expected 30s) she told me it didnt like to stop, wanted to keep stalling..
    I went out ran the bike and It seemed just fine..Figured it was just her driving!!! :P .. OK anyways I cleaned the filter out (figured it was choking it, wasnt very bad at all..) checked the plugs filled it with premium and that was that..Welllll she took it to work( a little closer this time) all was the same excepth the temp was a little warmer on the way home...Well shes telling me that I t stalled everytime she came to a stop and wsa geting hard to start.....I am a little lost for what it is that is going on and I know you guys have helped me w/ my GSs and thought I would lay it on you...The only thing I can think of Is the idle adjustment Is low( I dont have a txch on the thing although I am looking to get one soon) I tuned it by ear...Usually I am pretty good at it, but we all have our moments :?
    Well im throwing it to you guys for I deas Im open for ideas... Thnks for the help

    I appologize for the poor typing.....using a new keyboard


      First thing I would do is dump the gas.....switch back to regular.

      The higher octane will effectively change your timing, and you need a neutral start point. Also, you said she managed 50 miles one way before the change in gas....and, if I read your post correctly, the problem seems to have become worse after adding the premium gas

      The problem seems to be carburetor....starting with the mixture.

      Don't know the carb on this bike, but if it is a standard set-up, screw it down until it this lightly, JUST until the screw stops turning.....then back it off by about one full turn plus one half turn......see how it runs now.....too rich? Reduce the mixture by turning it back a quarter turn, then try again.

      Too lean? Add another half turn. Try again. Add quarter-turn increments after that.
      Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


        Just a thought - when I start my GS, I have to use the choke. If I forget to release the choke, it will die at every stop. Is it possible that she is using the choke to start it, then not releasing it?



          the only trouble I have had with the tuning is when I try to adjust in - 1 1/2 it surges.. then i have backed it out until it evens out... (on reg gas) thats where i stand now... talk ed to the wife and she said the choke isnt the issue... so where do I go from here.????? thanks


            Is the clutch draging when it heats up?? try adjusting he clutch. Does i t still stall when put in neutral before stopping??

