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intermittently breaks up over 6500

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    intermittently breaks up over 6500

    Here's a bit of the history.


    Last year I hadn't done anything to the bike other than buying it and riding it. It had a bit of a stumble during tip in but pulled like an ape all the way to 9G.

    Here's what I've done as PM.

    1) Checked and adj shims

    2) Removed battery box and all components to clean, repaint and reinstall. Had rust that needed to be addressed.

    3) Added ground wire to R/R up to battery and grounded bat box (all my connections are properly soldered)

    4) Dipped, cleaned, new RB orings, set float height at 22mm (was at 17 from PO), synch'd carbs and if I remember correctly by pilot screws are about 2-2.5 out.

    After I did all of this, the bike runs great around town, better than ever, very smooth transition off idle, fires right up when it's cold out, warms up quickly 2-3 mins choke is off on a 45 degree morning.

    This year, I took it out and out on the back streets anything over 6500 it intermittently breaks up.

    1) I threw new plugs at it, figured its cheap insurance. No change!

    2) Checked Volt drop at coils, 1.5, this should have been the same last year.

    3) I have not checked ohms on the coils yet to see if one may be out of spec.

    4) I plan to ohm the rest of the devices, ignitor, ign box, as per the Clymer's manual to see if anything might be out of spec.

    I had a similar problem with my blown Mustang after installing a mallory box and found out it was retarding too much timing when it went into boost.

    I wonder if my advance mechanism isn't advancing and not causing enough coil saturation to light the fire at the higher RPM? Just a thought.

    I just figured if anyone else had experienced this, I wanted to see if someone could chime in, but if not, I will go at it a step at a time as I am not one to just throw parts at a bike.

    A lot of the top-end posts I searched seem to be more fuel starved issues than loss of spark. My bike certainly does NOT bog.

    I'm also going to recheck the connection to the ign box to ensure all connections are clean and tight seeing that I did have to unplug (disturb) it over the winter.

    This is where it would be nice to have a Sun Scope and monitor the ign and fuel on the dyno to see where the bike is faulting at, but unfortunately, my garage doesn't have such toys.

    She has bright blue spark, and runs like a dream below 6500, but after that, it does not break up the same, but it does not have full pull on the big end.

    It seems to mimic someone flicking the on/off switch; it does not bog, pop or spit, but just appears to cut out ever-so-slight above 6500 all the way to 9. It does not do it the same every time either, some times only a few times to 9G, other times more. I would say an average of 6-7 cut outs from 6500 to 9G.

    I do know about the relay mod, just surprised the bike would start to act up this year, when I am most positive it had the same drop at the coils last year.

    I see that Kat, bandit, and GSXR coils are cheap.

    Do you just replace the boots from the newer coils with our factory ones?


      Minutemen wrote:
      Check your coil wires .I had a misfire only at high rpms [7000-9000]. Went through the carbs changed jets and needles about ten times nothing changed .Ran great at low rpms though leading to believe it was jetting related. Finally found a broken coil wire.

      Sandy wrote:
      I had a similiar problem with my stock GS1000. Being the bike was stock allowed me to eliminate any major carb issues quite quickly. Like yours mine was hitting a brick wall at around 7,000 rpm in any gear as yours seems to be doing. Anyway, mine turned out to be a bad coil that was crapping out at 7,000 rpm under heavy load. At 1/2 to 3/4 throttle in the lower gears it would pull to red line but as soon as I gave it full throttle over 7,000 it would fall flat on two cylinders. It turned out to be weak spark on one coil. Just thought I'd give my 2 cents worth because I know how frustrating this can be. Good Luck.

      Sounds like my situation, and am thinking about upgrading to newer coils but was curious if others have just replaced the boots with our early style boots?


        If you lowered your fuel level by 5mm, and the problem started at the same time, I would check to see if you are running too lean.
        Going from 17mm to 22mm is a large difference.

        What do your plugs look like after doing a plug chop as the engine is misbehaving?

        Is your intake and exhaust completely stock?

        Life is too short to ride an L.


          I had a problem where my GS550ES ran perfectly up to 8k and then it would
          randomly cut out up to redline. Turned out one of the wires from the CDI box had come out of the plastic connector a little bit and wasn't making good contact. Something to check if you've been pulling wires.


            Originally posted by p_s View Post
            I had a problem where my GS550ES ran perfectly up to 8k and then it would
            randomly cut out up to redline. Turned out one of the wires from the CDI box had come out of the plastic connector a little bit and wasn't making good contact. Something to check if you've been pulling wires.
            I will give her a thorough investigation tonight.

            The thing I worry about is my coils are leaking the internal oil, as they are very oily and I am wondering if they are starting to cook themselves. I figured they would have been E coils, but the rest of the bike is squeaky clean and the coils are all sticky/gooey.


            She's bone stock.
            Last edited by Guest; 04-21-2008, 12:54 PM.


              I did the coil relay mod:

              1.5V loss before

              .03 loss now

              But wait, she still misses on the upper end.

              Coils ohm out fine 4.5-.6 on both primaries

              Secondary goes beyond my meter's capabilities but I can watch it climb up.

              Tonight, I am going to test for AC voltage. I'm curious to see if any is leaking through and playing havoc on my ignitor box.



                As I brought my meter near the bike, it went crazy, but why?

                My original theory was that AC voltage was leaking past the rectifier causing havoc on the ignitor box.

                Upon further medical diagnosis, the repeated exciting and collapsing of the entire electrical system turned it into one big RFI mess.

                I unpluged the r/r and the bike was normal, I could test the battery and the system was stabilized. No more hidden magnetic force field around the bike.

                Needless to say, I will post back after installed one of Duane's r/r's to comfirm the repair.

