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sometimes we all have bad Ideas
sometimes we all have bad Ideas
Can anyone lend me a hand.. Abuddy of mine laid down his gsx1300r hyabusa the other day and is in need of quite a bit of parts... If you have answers we are listening... thanksTags: None
Thats funny. Ebay and there are some discount dealers through mail order. Look in the back of cycle world and motorcyclist.
And by the way, how did he lay it down and what speed?
not too funny.. messed him up good... doin stupid stuff ... went to pull a first gear wheelie he got about a foot off the ground and the rear tire spun... he rested it back down let the suspension settle then cracked it wide open .. It got to the 11 oclock position and the rear smoked again.. instead of letting of he tried to ride it out and crack open the throttle.. well this time the bike grabbed jumped the bike sideways he compensated and it shot the other way throwing hime in to a curb and launching the bile down the lot 50 + feet on its side sparks a flying...Now I would say he didnt know what he was doin but he does... he had been doing them all day (even @ 135) but it was just one too many.....:x
Moral: Dont do hard or any throttle wheelis on a bald rear!!!!!
First, let me preface this with saying that I hate to see anyone get hurt, no matter how it happens. Some people just BEG for it, though!
Ahhhhh... To be young and STUPID again (as opposed to old and dumb, as I am now)
I would say that he doesn't know what he's doing, regardless of what he's done previously. With a track record like that, he's WAY overdue for what happened. You have to RESPECT whatever you ride. A 'Busa will bite ya' in a heartbeat when you start to think you are invulnerable.
As far as replacement parts and panels, try eBay, salvage dealers (perhaps), or a Suzuki dealer.
hes not as young and in experienced as one might think..He is in his mid 30s and been dragging bikes since his early teens.. Now I am not saying that what he was doing was the brightest but sometimes even the unexpected steps out and bites ya in the tuckus.. I hope that everyone here is on there toes and drives safe Ihate to hear fellow riders fallen exploits.. drive safe
Originally posted by bybowtiehes not as young and in experienced as one might think..He is in his mid 30s and been dragging bikes since his early teens.. Now I am not saying that what he was doing was the brightest but sometimes even the unexpected steps out and bites ya in the tuckus.. I hope that everyone here is on there toes and drives safe Ihate to hear fellow riders fallen exploits.. drive safe
Ron Ayers is your best bet especially for body parts unless you located something on ebay. How bad is the bike?? I have extensive experience with hayabusa`s...I`ve owned three and highly modified all of them. Be glad to tell ya what you need if I can. Chris