Fuel economy is pretty poor. M.P.G. is in the low 30's.

Fuel Screw: 7/8 turn out
Air Screw: 1.75 turns out
Pilot Jet: 15 (stock)
Main Jet: 100 (one leaner than stock)
Needle Height: clip is in the second groove from the top (stock, I think)
Float Height: 0.98"
I synchronized all carburetors, and vacuum is running around 7.5" in all four. Point gap was adjusted statically and checked with a dwell meter. Timing was set with an inductive timing light.
The plugs look good. They are gray, about like #19 on the chart at this link: http://www.dansmc.com/Spark_Plugs/Sp...s_catalog.html If anything, this looks to be on the lean side of good, but I'm burning gas like I'm too rich.
The bike seems to run well, but it is cold blooded. I have to keep the choke partially on for a very long time when the air temperature is below 60 degrees, or it will stall at intersections. I recently tried running it with the air screw at 1.25 turns out (per Clymer), and it only got 31 MPG on the last tank, but it seemed like I could take the choke off sooner.
After it warms up, it will idle OK at 1100 rpm. I've tried adjusting the air screws for the "lean best idle" speed, but turning them between 1 turn out and 1.75 turns out didn't seem to make much of a difference in engine speed.
Last August, I tried a bunch of different carburetor settings. I found that the stock main jets were too rich (fouled plugs with throttle wide open), and that having the needle clip in the middle groove was also too rich in the mid range. Lately, I'm happy with the power and drivability, but I'd really like to improve the fuel economy and the cold blooded nature.

1. Can worn or stuck rings cause excessive fuel consumption and/or cold blooded performance?
2. Can leaky intake manifold o-rings cause this problem?
3. What about the rubber gaskets on the bottom end of the choke plungers?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.