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Starting Problems with 1982 GS1100, BIke turns over no spark

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    Starting Problems with 1982 GS1100, BIke turns over no spark

    Ever since this riding season has begun I have had 5 occurances where my bike will not start. The bike turns over. Today it happened on the way to work, at lunch time, and on the way home.
    Ok here are the symtoms, today was a very cool day 40 degrees. Turn bike over with full choke after 2 full throttle pumps, then hit the starter button with the throttle open a little. This always worked for me in the pass. Nothing happened today. I checked the spark and there was no spark. Checked over the wiring the best I could in the parking lot. Still wouldn't start. I checked the spark a couple more times and nothing. Then all of a sudden there was spark and the bike almost started. Put the wire back on the plug and the bike started. I even jumped the bike, with no luck. On the way home tonight the bike pulled the same thing again. This time I had someone push my across the parking lot and the bike started. The other times I push started it and it seem to work, except at lunch today. The battery was fully charged and I even jumped it at lunch.
    Any Ideas? I don't think it could be a coil or the rectifier/regulator. If the rectifier/regulator was bad wouldn't it just go? Also once the bike is running it runs fine.

    that sounds like the classic poor connection/contact at the fuse box.
    suzuki used brass fuse clips and the tarnish that forms on the clips does not conduct power very well.
    my bike used to do the same thing from time to time, and I stumbled across the cause by accident by pushing on the fuse and suddenly had fire again.
    remove your fuses and clean up the contacts with some fine grit sand paper. also you should check to see how much power is getting to the coils with it running, the ignition system on these bikes can be very sensitive to voltage drop.


      I truly hope the problem is as simple as corroded electrical connections. By the way, the carbs on these bikes do not have accelerator pumps. Opening and closing the throttle prior to starting has no effect, good or bad, on starting the bike. Cracking the throttle while starting it does have an effect, though. Generally a negative one. The enrichening circuits ("choke") on these carbs work best with the highest vacuum possible; ie, with closed throttle plates. When you get the other problem sorted out, try starting with full choke and without touching the throttle.

      Good luck


        I had a very similar problem with my first Suzuki. With the battery freshly charged, the engine would sometimes not turn over with the electric starter - I had to push-start. Also, sometimes the engine would only weakly turn over, even after a freshly charged battery. In my case, it turned out that the inside of the starter motor was pretty dirty. It had a lot of very fine black dust preventing the brushes from making good contact. I cleaned up the inside of the starter motor and that fixed the problem - the engine turned over strongly every time.


          No spark for start

          Check the ground wire going to the plate the electronics are mounted on.
          The ignitor for the coils won't fire them with a bad connection. It will also play havoc with the spark advance if the bike does get running.


            If there si not spark try checking the coil. You can use a simple Ohm meter. check the betwwen the leads the go into the coil. On my 82 GS750 they are suposed to b between 3-5 Ohms. this may vary on you bike. Of course you should also check most other obvious wires.


              check the solenoid as well.. I had a honda do the same thing turned out the solenoid was bad...(have no idea how its some sort of electrical interlock)It would turn and turn but no spark.As soon as we bypassed the solenoid all was well..If the others dont work give it a try.. you never know!!!!


                Check the clutch switch. It could be a culprit and is the easiest to check first.


                  Starting Problems with 1982 GS1100, BIke turns over no spark

                  First I guess I didn't make one thing clear, the engine turns over, meaning the starter works and battery is good. The problem is no spark. The other day I checked the wires from the ignitor and clean them with cleaner and emery clothe. The bike started right away. Yesterday it started fine also. Today back to the same propblem. I once again cleaned all contacts in the connectors. Would not start, again the ENGINE TURNED OVER FINE. In order to start it I pushed it down my driveway and droped the clutch and it started right up. Could it be a weak battery or the ignitor? This one has got me. I will still check the ground wires as suggested.

