Well, last night I took my b@!!s in one hand and some tools in the other and went to work. Airbox came out easily enough, although I noted the snorkel was just kinda jammed in betweent it and the battery box. I also b\noticed that all the clamps that held everything onto either side of the carbs were all pretty worn out. Out come the carbs, up on the bench. Whack with the impact screwdriver to loosen up the screws. Hah! Got every single screw out, and replaced with the polished stainless allen heads.
When I bought the bike, the guy that sold it to me seemed to be a fairly competent bike wrencher, and he had told me he had gone through the carbs, but not dialed them in. The carbs were surprisingly clean, but i used my carb kits and replaced every o ring i could get to. The only thing I noticed about the carbs were these two things- the air screws, or idle screws or whatever they were called were only out less than one turn, and the butterflies on #1 and #4 carb were not adjusted to be closed all the way. Hopefully i did right by adjusting the butterflies so they would all be closed at the same point. I turned the screws all the way in after replacing their tiny o rings and then backed them out 2 full turns.
As I was doing all this, I had my fuel tank on top of a 5 gal bucket, because no matter which way I turned the petcock (vacuum operated petcock) fuel still ran out.There seems to be my main question, other than if anyone has any more hints on the carbs. Isn't the petcock only supposed to feed gas when it is opened by engine vacuum? And, more importantly, isn't one of the side positions, either 3 oclock or 9 oclock, supposed to be OFF?