Here's what I did.
The bike had no fire...
The spark plugs caps had black tape all over them. Didn't look right removed the tape and found cracked caps or caps that were not in ohm spec. Replaced spark plug caps with new NGK Plug Caps. When I tested the ohm rating from plug cap to plug cap on the same coil it's a about 10ohms lower than spec. Guessing this is because the NGK Plug caps are lowering the ohm. Actually I know this is true because the coils are in spec with the original spark plug caps. Is it ok to run these spark plug caps?
Next I bought a tune up kit for with new points etc...The bike has fire and runs poorly. So i removed the carbs and cleaned them and reinstalled. The bike ran poorly on the bottom end and had tons of midrange almost like it was too lean. I parked the bike and the next morning had trouble starting it like it was flooded. had trouble at idle, but once it got warm it was ok.
My guess is the needle and seats needed to be replaced and gas was running into the cylinders all night. I haven't checked the oil yet but i am 100% positive there will be gas in the oil.
Took out the carbs cleaned them again installed four rebuild kits. I set the carbs to the following specs.
Float level 27mm
Pilot air screw 1.5 turns out
Pilot fuel screws 1 turn out
Cleaned out the gas tank.
Put everything back together. It is running so poorly that i put my hands on the the exhausts pipes to see which one is staying cold.
Cylinder 2 heats up quickly
Cylinder 4 stayed cold the longest but then got hot
Cylinder 1 was warm and took it's time getting hot
Cylinder 3 was barely warm and took it's time getting hot
I am sure there is gas in the oil which would lower compression but I don't think thats the problem. When i checked the fire on Cylinder 4 it appeared to be week. So while it was turning over the engine i grabbed the onto the plug. I got a small jolt but not what I would have expected.
I just installed new plugs today.
What would make one cylinder run so much better than the other three?
Thanks for any and all of your help.